I think dart pre/phono -> SET amp -> horns could be a very tasty set-up.
the dart with battery powered super low noise and super nuanced/refined phono and pre into the right SET has to be good for a horn. essentially flavor with the SET and tube rolling.
Thank you, Tang. No, no solid-state for me. If I wanted something quieter than the Io I would go with Lamm (which uses a step-up transformer so it is easy to stay quieter than a 100% tube gain circuit).
Bonzo75 is correct -- I am not keen on spicey anything.
As I have been on a quest to get back into vinyl to compliment the ease of digital playback, my system has undergone a number of changes over the past couple of years. I had pulled out a Thorens TD 160 MkI I purchased new in 1975, added a PS Audio Nuwave phono stage and was effectively off to the races. I have since moved up to a VPI TNT Jr/JMW 10/ZYX Universe II combo and found the PS Nuwave lacking. I narrowed the search down to two....a Herron tube phono stage, which is very highly regarded over on the VPI site, and an Amazon B-lab SS phono pre. The B-lab won out for it's reported extremely low noise floor. I figured it would mate well with my Tom Evans Vibe (which also is extremely quiet) and AG Duo Grosso horns driven by a pair of Lamm ML2.1 valve amps.
I am very happy with the B-lab, and not surprisingly it is a huge step up from the PS... especially mid to low bass which now has definition and clarity. Treble is less glaring...basically neutral from top to bottom and quiet as a mouse....and if I want to digitize any of the vinyl I can swap out for the PS and go for high res files to save on the computer music server.