Hey Robert I agree with you. I own Purist Audio Design cables. And I wil tell you I would NOT spend the money if they did not make a positive contribution to the system. A long time ago I hooked leads from a scope up to an interconnect and the cable was not even hooked to anything. You should have seen the noise that existed on that antenna , oops I mean cable. Resistance, capacitance, inductance, skin effect, magnetic fields, dielectric absorption, phase shift, the priciples of sound signals riding cables are not that simple. A music signal is quite complex. To say cables are snake oil is like the statement I hear from many that say ones and zeros are ones and zeros ( D to A conversion). This only exposes what these people don't understand. I will say that there are MANY cable makers that just throw materials toghether and get a certain sound and claim they are the best. I have searched cables for 15 years and each time found that they did some things well and others not so well. It was many years before I let go of my hard earned money. The real acid test is removing the cables and putting standard ones on and seing if you can live with the sound. The big goal for me is to get high resolution, linear response, and musicallity. The PAD cables do this for me. Jim Aud the founder for PAD is a former NASA engineer. He uses computer modeling and then extensive listening. I highly recommend this brand even at entry level.....especially at entry level. He was the one that first used cryo treating of his cables and now it is a method that is used even in the milltary. It is ok others think I am foolish, everyone is allowed their opinion. If you look at the frequency response of a $300 amplifier and a $24,000 amp the numbers may be the same but we all know they don't sound the same. The only question is , is it worth it too you.