Aries Cerat DAC Review: Helene

I will test it out and revert.

I switched the rectifier from stock to NOS NIB MULLARD BLACKBURN LABLED FOR GE 5AR4 GZ34 TUBE and it made an enormous difference.

Everything is cleaner, more detail and more separation. Vocals are silky smooth. Awesome
Hello Mr. Miyagi,

I got my Helene DAC last December. I leave it on. I found it takes almost a day to get optimum sound. I burned out the original rectifier tube in June. Calculated 7000 hours on the tube by then. I had shut everything down for 9 days while out of town. When I got back the DAC had no sound. The clue was the LED in the back right corner was dark. The rectifier tube still glowed even. My dealer sent me a Sovtek for replacement. A few weeks later I bought a Mullard reissue for backup. Decided to try it just to make sure it worked. Sounds better than the Sovtek so I left it in.

My question: Do you leave your DAC on? Love to try a NOS Mullard but reticent to spend that much for a tube that will last me just 7-8 months. Did you make the decision to just stick to the NOS Mullards full time?

I stocked up on some E810F, E180F and some 6J11P tubes. In every case I ordered tested, matched pairs. I asked my dealer for some extra E280F tubes but have not heard back from him. For now I have an estimated 30 year supply of tubes for my DAC. Not expensive but not just available anywhere.

My take on the Helene: Excellent music maker with PRAT that rivals my analog. I had to upgrade my streamer to get the same level of music like my CD Transport. Ended up with the K50. Can't get enough of the music. I've played about 10 hours of vinyl since January.
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I actually am selling my Helene and using lampi Poseidon.

Helene is a great dac - I just prefer lampi a but

For Helene e810f sq is the apparently the way to go !

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