Nor do I Skip.<snip> I don't know too many audiophiles who are unhappily married to their gear though...
Nor do I Skip.<snip> I don't know too many audiophiles who are unhappily married to their gear though...
I am clearly not an audiophile as I hardly ever change equipment. I buy what I perceive as great value and sound and enjoy my system. I hear tons of other stuff and frankly, don’t like what I hear all that much, especially stuff that is all the rage, at least for awhile. Sure, my system could do this or that a little better but I find tweaking speaker placement and the room itself to give far greater improvement than swapping out gear. Of course, YMMV.
In holland bikers from other brands have a saying , if you start touring with a harley davidson make sure to bring a bag to collect all parts falling off , lol.
Because of the vibration of the big engine its happened quit a lot
I drop the previous when i hear something better , no problems
But there’s ALWAYS something BETTER.
Is better ALWAYS something PREFERABLE?
The two are not necessarily coincident.
95% of the Harley-Davidsons built since 1960 are still on the road today.....
That's because the other 5% actually made it HOME!!![]()
You may drop your gear for something that you perceive to be better, but that new gear may be worse in some other aspects that you later discover were important to you, and thus is ultimately unsatisfying.
That is why it is so important to know what your priorities are. If you don't, you will always be on a merry-go-round, spending more and more money -- and you may discover that, after all those gear changes, ultimately you end up basically at the same place you started from.
Before you start your journey, you need to have clear goals in mind, and not wave in the wind all the time when you hear in another system something that yours lacks. Then you just chase for that particular improvement while neglecting aspects that had been essential to your previous satisfaction. And the endless search continues.
To me, the system foundation and synergy matters a great deal. At shows, you hear so many terrible or mediocre systems that suffer from poor electronics to speaker combinations. And even when you get that right, if the foundation of cables, grounding & power conditioning are mediocre then you are not hearing 100% of what it is capable of.
There is so much nice made stuff to try out , most made by designers who all think they are the last word in sound authenticity/neutrality.
Give them a shot and judge how far they have succeeded.
Not to mention the elephant in the room - proper system/room set-up.
Yes, I give them a shot in other people's systems, and often enjoy them. But why should I make my own system an expensive laboratory? That's just dumb.
+1 on the loyalty to enjoying the music. I guess if people don't change over time then their gear selection will also not change much as long as they keep enjoying the music.I'm loyal to my enjoyment of the music. It is inevitable that some brands will appeal to me more than others, and inevitable that it will change over time, too.
I'm loyal to my enjoyment of the music. It is inevitable that some brands will appeal to me more than others, and inevitable that it will change over time, too.
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