Steve williams
Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
Whilst provocation could be argued, some of the responses and speculation here are unkind, to say the least.
I understand and I would probably feel the same however I can tell you that having gotten threatening VM's from him on several occasions including legal threats only to have him call me the very next day and talk as if nothing was amiss and we were the best of friends, only to have him then do an about face while on the phone when he turned mean and hung up in my ear because I refused to acquiesce to his demand where he would remain a member of WBF and counsel me how to grow it into a successful business like his AVShowrooms but only "if he had kill privileges on 15 members here at WBF"
This is serious behavioral issues and is given truly out of concern
Guys this is a friggin hobby. This isn't rocket science and thank God it ain't cancer. We are all grown men and should be in charge and control of our actions and behavior. This is such an old debate but for me what's obvious is that there are room for both and that was the intent upon which this forum was created. Amir and I couldn't be any more different but we wanted a forum where "opinions" could be heard. To see someone have a total melt down in front of the entire universe which remain forever for all to see. Sadly this could represent his legacy to the hobby. This was not normal behavior but rather just the opposite. I bear him no animosity and have always appreciated his contributions but on that day he had a break from reality which has continued.
I feel he should be seen. Thats out of caring not malice
This is not meant to be mean but truly a plea to Peter to be seen to rule out anything serious. This is out of caring