Can digital get to vinyl sound and at what price?

How can find value in something we can't see ?

By respecting the value of my work and dedication to the art of audio reproduction, and by accepting that I cannot always provide immediate concrete proof to back up my claims and experiences do to circumstances beyond my control.
I have Electronic music on tape , LP

But Digital House music is just better , nothing beats digital Tiesto .
It extends just a bit more in the bass and sounds more defined / cleaner .

OK classical / jazz is better on LP /Tape ( not so sure on the WADAX though)
Tiesto music never saw a real instrument, all digital all the way ! :rolleyes: Maybe Tiesto was the first AI !;)
Fair enough, but then why "imply" anyways "here" at all?

Here is one reason: my recent posts have been in support of the comments that both vinyl and digital can sound good in certain contexts. I was also responding to microstrip about my experience where both formats sounded good in a particular system. The owner explained to me why, and it made sense to me. Simple as that.
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Wow this thread has completely gone down the proverbial crapper. Thanks for ruining a good dialogue.
Sorry Peter, but the usual "sounds good" intrinsically filled with condescendence considering all that you and DDK said about digital is not what we aim at WBF.

I can't understand you. David explained you and you know why. And you are advising me to contact him to explain it. Did people who got information from him sign a non disclosure agreement? You are always saying you learned a lot from him, but every time you have to opportunity to explain something you became silent.

You have told us all that my posts are unfriendly and that I am naive. Now you want me to share with you? Your exchanges with me are now personal and of little value.

I am not concerned with whether or not you understand me. I am not here to share David’s opinions or his knowledge and experience shared with me on a forum to which he no longer contributes.

Christoph and Steve Williams both liked your post. One is a super moderator and the other is the owner. They know why David is not here better than anyone else. You and they want the value of the content from David’s knowledge and experience and they want to own it to add value to their forum. David no longer agrees with those terms.
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I am not concerned with whether or not you understand me. I am not here to share David’s opinions or his knowledge and experience shared with me on a forum that he is no longer involved with.
Peter. your choice to 'go mysterious' on us just fans the flames of cult-ness. that's your choice, don't blame others for it. you bring up this 'best digital' experience tease, then won't make the case. not a good look.

but i can see that explaining David's methods would open them to criticism, or dismissal. a no win situation.
I am not here to share David’s opinions or his knowledge and experience shared with me on a forum that he is no longer involved with.
Just my $0.02 but as I read the post , it was you who brought it up and IMO it is you who continues to infiltrate the threads with this fan of "cultness" as Mike describes.Maybe because he is no longer involved it might be time for you to drop the recurrent links and let bygones be bygones. Just a thought....
Not so fast! I didn't say that I am uninterested in the few good things that have been made since '79, I meant to say that I no longer listen to any digitally-sourced recordings, even those from my favorite band, Rush.
I would need several lifetimes to hear all the great music and recordings since 1979.

It’s about separating the wheat from the chaff.

My hearing acuity to discern good or bad recordings is probably as sensitive as yours, however I don’t claim to be some kind of world class champion.
Peter. your choice to 'go mysterious' on us just fans the flames of cult-ness. that's your choice, don't blame others for it. you bring up this 'best digital' experience tease, then won't make the case. not a good look.

but i can see that explaining David's methods would open them to criticism, or dismissal. a no win situation.

Who cares about the “look”, Mike? I am not David. I will not speak for him. Elliot told me I’m not Jim Smith either. I know my limitations. It is not my place nor would I do it properly. I simply wanted to explain that like you and Al M, I am not an absolutist and I’ve heard good digital and good vinyl in the same system. That is what this thread is about.
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Christoph and Steve Williams both liked your post. One is a super moderator and the other is the owner. They know why David is not here better than anyone else. You and they want the value of the content from David’s knowledge and experience and they want to own it to add value to their forum. David no longer agrees with those terms.

Just to be clear, I'm completely free to "like" (or dislike, or laugh or whatever) ANY post here because first and foremost, I'm also a member here on WBF.

I "like" posts that I agree with the content or that I find funny etc., no matter who wrote them.

Btw. I quite often liked your posts as well, remember? ;)

PS: I'm not privy to anything ddk related, so please leave ME out of your conspiracy theory in the future.
They know why David is not here better than anyone else.

actually Peter we all know why David isn't here any more. He quit and slammed the door behind him on the way out after he was correctly moderated by our team of moderators when he would not cease his ad hominem attacks on audiocrack who unfortunately took the bait and got into it as well. Both were banned for 3 days, a time out if you will. David said point blank he refused to be moderated (especially by one moderator in particular) and he said he's leaving for good. FWIW, audiocrack is still a valued member of this forum and continues to make informative posts. When someone gives us the ultimatum that they are leaving as they refuse to abide by our TOS and specifically names one of our valued moderators we take those comments at face value. There is no conspiracy theory as you continually suggest. It's time you let it go Peter. I think we all understand you but you continue to foster these theories and if anything it shines badly on you. Once again my $0.02 as a member here , just the same as Christoph.
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Who cares about the “look”, Mike? I am not David. I will not speak for him. Elliot told me I’m not Jim Smith either. I know my limitations.
you appear to bristle against negative comments about the ddk cult; teasing this does not help your case.
It is not my place nor would I do it properly. I simply wanted to explain that like you and Al M, I am not an absolutist and I’ve heard good digital and good vinyl in the same system. That is what this thread is about.
fair enough and we agree.
But I didn't buy my stereo to make an oscilloscope happy. I bought my stereo to make my me happy.

I’m still laughing over this one! :D:D:D
actually Peter we all know why David isn't here any more. He quit and slammed the door behind him on the way out after he was correctly moderated by our team of moderators when he would not cease his ad hominem attacks on audiocrack who unfortunately took the bait and got into it as well. Both were banned for 3 days, a time out if you will. David said point blank he refused to be moderated (especially by one moderator in particular) and he said he's leaving for good. FWIW, audiocrack is still a valued member of this forum and continues to make informative posts. When someone gives us the ultimatum that they are leaving as they refuse to abide by our TOS and specifically names one of our valued moderators we take those comments at face value. There is no conspiracy theory as you continually suggest. It's time you let it go Peter. I think we all understand you but you continue to foster these theories and if anything it shines badly on you. Once again my $0.02 as a member here , just the same as Christoph.

Thank you Steve. I certainly would not use the word conspiracy to describe the situation. I will simply not contribute content about David’s ideas to this forum that he is no longer participating in. I hope this is clear to all those who want me to share information from David here. They should stop requesting it.
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Whether or not I should I am prepared to stipulate to those technical points.

But I didn't buy my stereo to make an oscilloscope happy. I bought my stereo to make me happy.
Nice and spot on Ron.
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