I'm sure he did say the concentration. I'll see if I can find that again, some other time.Jim:
Did this "guy" specify the concentrations he was using. If not, his data is at best skeptical; other than the Triton X100 may help to keep the insoluble Tergitol 15-S-3 in solution. Keep in mind without a soluble emulsifying surfactant, Tergitol 15-S-3 that has no CMC is immiscible in water. Note that some history of the development of Tergikleen is discussed in Section IX.9.
Take care,
You say, "immiscible". From the Web: "immiscible means two substances are unable to mix or combine to form a homogeneous mixture. When two immiscible substances are shaken together, they will eventually separate into layers." Tergikleen does not separate into two layers. Did you mean, "insoluble"?
Dow says this about 15-S-3:
- Rapid dissolution even in cold water
I know it is not soluble, I just don't want to introduce confusion.
Good thought, but in this case the guy did NOT use them both at the same time, he used one, then compared the sound against a record cleaned with the other.
Yes, maybe he got different results because using different multiples of the CMC. Now that I understand about that, I'll want to see if that's the case.