Agreed. And it's a thoughtful review, and pretty accurate in capturing the CHP 10 sound, IMO. This pull quote sums it up:Funny how all of the reviews, basically, say the same thing as most of us that own the 10 Series. Yet, there will still be those that have never heard the 10 Series, or heard it at a show, that continue to cast doubt.
It’s just different. You have to hear it properly set up. I have yet to have a guest that has heard my system not be completely stunned. Throw the whole tube vs. solid state out the window. It’s just music.
"...with an unusually large group of components, and in every case, with every recording, I always thought that I was not just hearing the music, but hearing right into the recording. Such is the sense of having a line back to the microphone that these products create."
Yep, yep, yep. You just are drawn into the music making in every recording, whether stellar or even crappy ones, and the scene completely changes based upon the recording, it seems. That's what I hear, now that I've got them zeroed in with my TAD's. The 10 series flexibility really does help one sort things, although I did need to work with cabling in important ways, too, to get magic happening in my room.
I'm seriously considering jumping for the full mono versions to get even more of this CHP goodness.