I’ve just talked to a local audiophile, who runs his Alexx V with CH L10 + M10 monos. He is very happy with his system including the bass performance. He recently switched from running the amps in monaural to bridged mode, and says now it’s even better at controlling the speakers and at playing at low levels. He runs L10 at 0 feedback and M10 - at 13%. All his system is powered using 3 Stromtanks.
He got delivery of AF1P last month, he also has AF3P. The SAT and Phantom Elite arms are mounted on the AF1P together with Opus and Techdas carts. Not sure what he has on the other TT. All his cables are top Skogrand except for digital, where he uses Siltech triple crown for his Vivaldi stack. I’ll post more pictures soon.
I’ve just talked to a local audiophile, who runs his Alexx V with CH L10 + M10 monos. He is very happy with his system including the bass performance. He recently switched from running the amps in monaural to bridged mode, and says now it’s even better at controlling the speakers and at playing at low levels...
I considered the gold when I was ordering my L10 but then got some photos and changed my mind. I used to love black electronics but somehow that fell out of favor and I went silver. That said, the grey (which looks a lot darker than grey to me) is beautiful.
I considered the gold when I was ordering my L10 but then got some photos and changed my mind. I used to love black electronics but somehow that fell out of favor and I went silver. That said, the grey (which looks a lot darker than grey to me) is beautiful.
I just installed my CH M10 mono blocks yesterday to pair with my CH L10 true mono preamp (4 box). Fourteen hours into the break in process. I am running them in active biamplification mode with my Rockport Arrakis speakers. If they sound this good this early I can't imagine what they will sound like a few weeks from now.