Hi Ron, my point was not to make an assertion of SS vs tubes, which was in your post that I replied to (you asked How can SS sound more natural than tubes on vocals). I went to show it can, because natural vocals depend on Speaker-amp combination, and why - so I stated examples of better drive, more clarity, ability to see the vocalist opening his/her mouth, etc - as you can see, there are many such examples, including a horn (Yamamura). Even with Logans, when we put a lot of valves into Paul's system, the power amp was SS. I don't know what combination of power/current/grip is required, but generalizing, SS amps seem to have the better balance for such non-horn speakers. I still prefer the pre to be valves in many cases. But panels aside , for Wilson, Magico, etc, I would choose Dagostino, Vitus, Berning (ok, some valve there)...I haven't compared Mike's Dart and the Ch with any valve yet but won't be surprised if those too. I have heard Magico with Kondo Kagura and CJ and preferred the Vitus (compared only to Kondo). I can see some exceptions of easy to drive cones like Verity where I would choose valves, especially OTL. As you can see Mihalis moved from the Wavac SH 833 to Vitus, you should PM him and ask what he thinks of the vocals. I see no reason why valves should have a slam dunk over SS for vocals - I don't see it the other way either.
And yes, my horns amp search will be more like comparing OTLs to KR, Wyetech, Viva (prices aside), etc
And yes, my horns amp search will be more like comparing OTLs to KR, Wyetech, Viva (prices aside), etc