At the ASR forum, it was not more than a few minutes before I was ridiculed for hearing any difference with the Shakti's in my system. None...I repeat none, of the members over there had ever heard of this device, never mind having actually heard it in their systems! That did not stop them from bashing the product and then later me. So, I guess if you are talking of 'blinkered' minds, then Amir's whole forum membership might also qualify. As you say, he---and they, are all beyond learning, because unless it is has been AB'ed or ABX'ed or some other pointless and time wasting test that they live and die by, it couldn't possibly make any difference to the sound. I think Steve W is absolutely correct, why bother talking or posting responses to these's too short, IMHO.
DaveyF, it always always comes back to whether or not one has developed any sense of listening skills / trained ears. Not so-called golden ears just simply trained ears.
Perhaps the best analogy might be a website named (visual science review) where its members are color blind and their experiences are lmited to only seeing black and white and shades of gray. But every once in a while an outsider participates in a thread there to share a wonderful experience of seeing purple or green or red. It would only take a few minutes there too for that person to be ridiculed.
I attest that is exactly what happened to you at ASR and what happens here at WBF and other high-end audio web sites far more frequently than it ever should.
So many of these matters all boil down to possessing ears to hear vs possessing ears to hear plus the ability to interpret what we hear.
I attest that if the pseudo science types ever decided to develop their listening skills we wouldn't be having many of these conversations. But I also attest that if some-to-many high-end audio enthusiasts also developed their listening skills, we wouldn't be having many of these conversations.
This shouldn't be rocket science - even to the pseudo science types.
BTW, I know you know this. I'm speaking primarily to others who may need to better interpret what they read with their "trustworthy" eyes.