Amir, the reason I say "could" is because there are a lot of times when the ear will be telling the truth and yet the explanation and the science may not be too obvious.
The ear hears nothing Davey. It is the ear+brain that tell us what is heard. As creatures, we are designed to be hopeful animals. We have a brain that is able to think of countless possibilities of bad things happening to us which would be paralyzing. As such, we can manufacture results and outcomes that simply are not real. But make us happy and positive.
So when you say you hear something, I believe that the combination of your ear+brain said that. Problem is we need to disentangle the ear out of that. Science tells us how to do that. We simply disable the other stimulus that tells the brain to act differently than the presented soundwaves. Do the testing that way, then no one, no objectivist, will deny you what you say.
I mean really. Doing formal testing is far more resource intensive and difficult than just doing the type of comparison testing audiophiles do. Why would audio science 100% rely on that kind of testing if what we do in audiophile world provides reliable results???
And how do we justify going against the entire body of audio research and say we know better when it comes to audio evaluation? Is there precedence for that in other sciences where we do that with straight face?
Although, I must say that I personally believe that if something sounds better, then even if the science is not A) there yet or B ) not obvious, then that does not mean we have not listened to something that does have a perfectly good scientific explanation, now or in the future.
What I very much abhor, is when a so-called scientific leaning person, dismisses something with nothing more than a snide comment...and with absolutely no experience with the piece in question. As was the case with many posters on my thread on ASR about the Shakti's.
Science is always there to guide you to build reliable listening tests. Come up with a test that shows audible difference where the only thing that change was the audio entering your perception and the entire scientific community will rise up and listen. And that is the subject of this thread. How do we create reliable audible evaluations. That we know how to do. And it has nothing to do with explaining what the device does or does not do.
What happens though is that all such formal tests if done, will lead to negative outcome. Just as I think I read in the start of this thread. That failure is not a failure to explain the function of the device. It is a failure in our fantastic perception we think we have.
As audiophiles we like to think we have above average hearing abilities. It is one of the things that makes us walk around proud. Unfortunately test after test, including formals ones my group did, show audiophiles have no such abilities. On countless tests put forward on forums where we know, 100%, there are objective degradations, audiophiles either don't take the test, or take it and fail it. Yet someone like me with high loss of high frequencies can hear the artifacts 100% of the time.
I am no smarter or better audiophile than anyone. But rather, have training that tells me what to listen for both from audible point of view and design. Here is science 100% helping one become a better listener.
But we don't seem to want to go there. We want to dismiss all science as without value and rely on what is trivially shown to be an unreliable experiment over and over again. I mean did you do my test? It was all sighted. You could run it in 10 seconds. I hear the difference with all my training. It is that training that explains why I hear the difference. So how I don't put value on similar tests when the XYZ tweak is put forward as making a difference. I know that if nothing was changed to the sound, we would still hear a difference. And the more "group think" behind it, the more we hear it.
It is also important to understand that there is a discussion on merit, and there is another to settle score online. Vast majority of these discussions are motivated by the latter. You see examples of it on ASR Forum and here from the other camp. It is a dynamic that unfortunately cannot be avoided. Scars are created.
Anyway, I have to go back to the show. Let me just say that I have not read your thread on ASR Forum. I will do so when I get back and talk to people if they have been rude.