In this comparison the Air Tight PC 1 gets the most hours , as I like it a lot.
In principle, the PC1 is very similar to the ART9, but in all areas better.
So if someone likes the ART9 and wants to do the next step, the PC1 will do it,
without changing the voicing of the set up.
The PC1 still is not the "best" cartridge, as it lack resolution compared to the Ortofon Windfeld Ti or the
Soundsmith "the voice", but the blend of characteristics makes it a very satisfying cartridge.
I do use the PC1 in the heavy Ikeda 345 silver (steel arm wand) with the Yamamoto Titanium headshell and Ortofon silver leads, would imagine , that the Fidelity Research FR64s would be also a nice match.
The lack of fine details / resolution seem to be addressed with the current Air Tight PC1 Coda and PC1 Supreme but this carts will be in Germany around 8 to 10k, so out of reach for this comparison.
Even the few original PC1 reached the 6,5k price in Germany, thanx to pricing and conversion rates.