Yesterday the Miyajima Madake arrived, as former demo cart so with a view hours on it.
It took me a really long time to install it, as the cart is very sensible to small adjustments.
Doing it wrong the Madake sounds relatively dull, and lifeless. Bringing it to the point is getting leaner and more precise with a high resolution. I
f the Tonearm back end is a little too low , the Cart is just one of the warm and nice playing cards around and you might miss a lot. The Shibata diamond is kind of critical as always.
I have to say, that very often I do not like Shibata too much, as it such a lot of work to make the cart sing.
Now the Madake is nearly on the spot, but has the typical Colibri problems of sharp sibilants on certain records.
Other Carts of this comparison do hide this sharp "S" more and play the music more in a convenient zone.
The chosen impedance of 160ohm is theoretically right, but I will play around with that measure as well.
After some hours I start to understand, why I can find so many different points of views about the Madake performance, quality and character
So I have no final opinion yet and will work a little longer with this cartridge to understand it better.
(Yamamoto Titanium Headshell, Titanium screws, platinum Headshell wires, Ikeda 407 silver (steel wand) Tonearm, Vertere Tonearmcable)

It took me a really long time to install it, as the cart is very sensible to small adjustments.
Doing it wrong the Madake sounds relatively dull, and lifeless. Bringing it to the point is getting leaner and more precise with a high resolution. I
f the Tonearm back end is a little too low , the Cart is just one of the warm and nice playing cards around and you might miss a lot. The Shibata diamond is kind of critical as always.
I have to say, that very often I do not like Shibata too much, as it such a lot of work to make the cart sing.
Now the Madake is nearly on the spot, but has the typical Colibri problems of sharp sibilants on certain records.
Other Carts of this comparison do hide this sharp "S" more and play the music more in a convenient zone.
The chosen impedance of 160ohm is theoretically right, but I will play around with that measure as well.
After some hours I start to understand, why I can find so many different points of views about the Madake performance, quality and character
So I have no final opinion yet and will work a little longer with this cartridge to understand it better.
(Yamamoto Titanium Headshell, Titanium screws, platinum Headshell wires, Ikeda 407 silver (steel wand) Tonearm, Vertere Tonearmcable)

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