sorry but getting a bit irritated-frustrated here now.
How many times have I explained this and yet you just focus on the last post-sentence rather whole context of all my posts in this thread?
This is why these threads never achieve much in the long run.
Please do not bother responding, I will start to become really frustrated as it seems I am wasting my time
If you understand what Amir has been saying and myself in MANY earlier posts, you will understand why some kind of formal or informal as given in posts but not the most ideal training (already explained several times in this thread and in the past in other threads and why I am starting to get raaaargh tbh) is required for subtle differences with blind ABX; someone else managed to take this on board in this thread and then passed the current ABX test.
Leaving it at that.
We are going in circles. My apologies. I thought, in your last two posts, that you were saying that ABX is only effective with trained listeners and specific listening methods. Period. Looking again, I see that you're saying that's only true with subtle differences. Got it. Of course for any of this to be terribly meaningful we'd have to set some parameters around "subtle"...just kidding, carry on.