you probably forgot but last year I spent a lot of time providing a lot of diverse research papers explaining various mechanisms for testing and methodology for JND/biases/cogntive decision process/etc.
But coming back to less scientific and more practical example; look how Amir and a few manage to pass this ABX and yet quite a few did not.......
Anyway I give up now, was a waste of my time back then and a waste of time now
But AB and even ABX comparisons do have their own issues-challenges-limitations and this been reported in scientific research I linked in the past.
BTW I am NOT per se questioning AB/X, but if you paid attention to all that I have said the challenge is the methodology, scope, control-monitoring-weighting of the test environment-test subjects, and critically understanding and managing the complexity of the associated JND.
Seems you are coming across with a strong position diametrically opposed to what you see "as those who wish to question the results of AB/X testing".