The words were 'weasel words' because there was no substance in the body of the paper to back them up. This is not science, this is BS. i am not going to rehash the arguments, they should be clear to anyone who has read and understood the thread. However, you are right, a lot of scientific papers put stuff in their conclusions that aren't justified by the meat of the work. Science is like any other human field, there are a lot of second raters, BS artists and a few outright scam artists. (The problem is often worse in engineering fields where there are likely to be commercial pressures involved as well.)
Congrats on completely misreading my meaning, as well as coming up with a novel meaning of the phrase 'weasel words', which I have always understood to mean, 'words that try to have it both ways' or words 'that purposely fail to be clear in their meaning' -- not 'words that aren't supported by what came before'.
The commonplaces in conclusions that I am thinking of are 1) language that admits the possibility of the present conclusions being incomplete , or even wrong, leading to 2) calls for more research to clarify/verify the conclusions presented herein
While easily satirized or dismissively characterized -- possibly as being 'weasel words' - both are worthy practices and actually a sign of *good science*.
Then again someone who thinks PEAR was actually science that demonstrated ESP might disagree.
One of several things that strikes me as funny about the 'Meyer&Moran stink' crowd is that before M&M, few were making a fuss about the plain fact that many praised-to-the-skies 'high rez' releases were just rereleases of analog (tape) recordings*. Reviewers would still go ga-ga over the new improved 'high rez' sound -- and attribute it to the format. But when M&M used those (as well as 'pure' high rez) recordings in their tests , suddenly they'd committed an invalidating fail.
( M&M actually allude to this in their paper, putting forth at the very end, the proposition that when there is improved sound , it is more likely due to better mastering.)