I don't see much point in arguing about credentials. IME arguing about credentials is time wasted that could have been spent gathering evidence.
Sadly few people want to bother to do real work beside me. Folks complain left and right but when it comes time to action, they keep looking at me for more work. Your post included. Why not run some tests yourself and report the results? What's wrong with that?
It's been going now for nearly 6 months. If you can't show convincing evidence in that time, it's not going to happen.
Evidence has been put forward. Whether someone wants to believe them is up to them, not the rest of us. There are people who will argue Pope is not a Christian even if he showed up in front of them in person. That produces no responsibility for the rest of us jump and and down when they object for the hundredth time with no data of their own.
Ultimately, you can only resolve this issue by demonstrating the capacity to hear what you claim (amirm) in irrefutable circumstances. That means, you let somebody else set up the test, and you have no hands on involvement.
You are calling my ethics into question? Where is such requirement for any other test of this kind ever conducted? Meyer and Moran had who for the witness? How about Tom? We assume ethical conduct in such matter. We get assurance by having the same means necessary for others to try and duplicate the results. In this case, that has been provided in spades.
Besides, you are a bit behind times. We now have award winning, best peer-reviewed paper submitted to this year's Audio Engineering Society Convention by Stuart, et al. showing audibility of filters and quantization from high resolution to 44.1 and 48 Khz sampling. Look to my January article in WSR magazine for all the details. For now, here are some highlights:
1. FIR filters that emulate downsampling for sam-
ple rates of 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz can have a dele-
terious effect on the listening experience in a
wideband playback system.
2. 16-bit quantization with and without RPDF
dither can have a deleterious effect on the listen-
ing experience in a wideband playback system.
3. Our findings are consistent with the idea that
filters with long impulse responses blur the tem-
poral details of signals.
4. Not all pieces of music contain musical features
that demonstrate these losses of transparency.
Possible important features include echoes that
give a sense of the physical space around the
5. Consideration should be given to the use of psy-
chophysical tests that minimise cognitive load
in studies of this kind.
Here are the statistics from the study:
This is the first test of its kind, run by professionals with substantial educational and professional experience in conducting such tests as opposed to hobbyist work published prior. While it does not point to night and day differences, it nicely debunks the notion that there can't be any difference.
Again, this is a peer-reviewed listening test. Yet folks still don't believe what it says.
The more time goes by without independent verification in circumstances agreed by both parties (and a second party to this issue can definitely be found), the more likely that public opinion will swing against the claimant, because he is the claimant, and it is incumbent on him to prove the case. The greater the delay, the more pressing the presumption that the claimant is dissembling, and the more pressing the presumption that he knows he cannot pass the test under controlled circumstances.
Sorry but this is just wrong. Both sides are "claimants." There is no sense of entitlement here. You don't get to automatically be right about inaudibility when you lack evidence to prove your point. One or two ad-hoc tests by hobbyists is not data.
A few people have been roaming audio forums for years demanding that any subjective evaluation of audio be backed by double blind tests. There was no other requirement. That has been done and not just by me, but by others. Recently on Hydrogen Audio yet another test was put forward for me to pass. I and two others passed it. Here is the outcome of that, this time with new ABX plug-in that has cryptographic hashes that verifies authenticity of the files uses and the log file:
foo_abx 2.0 beta 4 report
foobar2000 v1.3.5
2014-11-23 13:38:11
File A: limehouse_linear_phase_050.wav
SHA1: 661058f46dfb7de9fd2687344ece857f0ae1531a
File B: limehouse_reference.wav
SHA1: e8ad96830d23cad4bba5bf822ce875ae452b9e7c
DS : Primary Sound Driver
13:38:11 : Test started.
13:38:31 : 01/01
13:38:39 : 02/02
13:38:48 : 02/03
13:38:58 : 03/04
13:39:06 : 04/05
13:39:18 : 05/06
13:39:24 : 06/07
13:39:31 : 07/08
13:39:40 : 07/09
13:39:48 : 08/10
13:39:56 : 09/11
13:40:03 : 10/12
13:40:09 : 11/13
13:40:17 : 12/14
13:40:28 : 13/15
13:40:36 : 14/16
13:40:36 : Test finished.
Total: 14/16
Probability that you were guessing: 0.2%
Again, two other people passed the same test. The author of the test however would not run it. Neither would Arny, Krab, etc. who were also there.
The resolution of this dispute is entirely in the hands of amirm, because only he can provide the proof. Continuing to allow the debate to rumble on merely suggest that he prefers it this way.
No. I have done exactly as I was challenged to do. Run the tests as provided and gave my results. I have then run more tests. More variations and different ones. Nothing has provided satisfaction. Nothing.
Put your money where your mouth is amir. Discrediting arnyk does not make your case. Provide some real proof and then we can all move on.
Sorry, no. "Real proof" of the kind constantly demanded on forums has been provided. That anyone be able to pass such tests.
In the past I have also shown how as a matter of audio science, these differences can be audible. That a bunch of lay people with no professional or educational background in audio had convinced themselves of inaudibility doesn't become my issue to resolve. They went past their bounds of knowledge and now have egg on their face. They need to educate themselves and not throw challenges out there that come back to haunt them.
What I wanted to get done, I have gotten done and then some. The Internet has gone from having no formal tests of this kind defined and run, to countless results posted and ton of analysis performed. You cannot turn the clock back with posts like this. You simply can't. You need to take into account what has happened and not hang your hat on another empty challenge, hoping that changes the facts it does not.
Now why do I continue discussing the topic? Because it is fun and enjoyable to set the record finally straight on this aspect of audio technology. It has nothing to do at all with thinking I have not made my point. I could not be more satisfied with the outcome of the tests as I have reported.
BTW, I have offered others to come and witness me taking the test again. But they refuse. Here is the latest offer I made on HA forum: