More on topic and may have consideration towards fatigue; just bear in mind your DAC (with its filters) may also be helping with regards to some of the variables I touched upon or may exacerbate certain digital albums-recordings-"genre" such as rock/pop/average jazz recordings.
That is very well possible, yes. By the way, I do have rock/pop recordings that sound gorgeous on my system (among the unlikely winners, the 2002 CD of "Elvis #1 Hits" (!), clearly a work of love in terms of mastering). Yet the miss/hit ratio is much higher than with classical. As you say, some of this may be related to my system characteristics, but most of it is probably related to the fact that classical recordings tend to go through, comparatively, much less processing. I guess this conforms with a pretty general consensus in audio.
Regardless of sound issues with rock, my current DAC is the first DAC that I have owned with impeccable rhythm & timing -- it is my first DAC that really rocks and swings like a great turntable can. This is quite remarkable, since early digital has been known to be severely lacking in the rhythm & timing department (an issue at the time more emphasized in Europe than in the US).