Hi Joe - btw, I'm the one who just spoke to you about your carrying your rack systems if you haven't made the connection yet

Regarding the CS footers, yes, I've had 4 of them under my PS Audio DirectStream DAC and I'm on day 4. I am hesitant to comment on what I'm hearing as my experience with them has been far from controlled - meaning I installed them under my DAC at the same time I installed a bunch of new PS Audio gear in my system including their BHK Signature preamp and a pair of their BHK 300 Signature series monoblocks.
All of this new gear is breaking in at the same time as the CS footers and both preamp and amp use tubes which will take some good number of hours to settle in (80-100hrs I'm expecting).
With those caveats, I can say that I've had the DAC for a long time as well as the speakers (VSA VR-55s).
Day 1 - the bass was really bad - I mean bloated, loose, very, very loose - to the point I thought there might be something physically wrong with my speakers or gear as my bass is usually taught, dynamic, and articulate. This was exactly the opposite of those characteristics - and did I mention it was very loose

Otherwise the sound wasn't too bad (if I could mentally subtract the bass) but hard to judge given the new gear breaking in.
Day 2 - didn't have much time to listen - mainly letting the system cook.
Day 3 - bass tightened up noticeably - still not where it should be by a long shot but at least not crapping all over the sound. Imaging and soundstage were improved significantly - in fact I noted this was the widest soundstage I have ever heard out of my DAC and rivaling that of my analog front end - which is saying a lot! Also the sound was very natural as in analog sounding - never thought I could get such an analog signature out of my DAC. That said, the sound was somewhat euphonic - as in rounded off - smoother than reality accompanied by a (or perhaps a repercussion of) diminishment of dynamics. Overall the sound was very immersive and involving but somewhat unsatisfying given the aforementioned euphonic signature.
Day 4 - had a quick listen this morning - bass continued to improve and the euphonic signature seems to be reduced but still hear it. Hopefully will have some time later tonight for more evaluation.
The new gear is for an event at my house this Saturday, after which I will be able to go back to my own equipment. I also have 8 more feet coming to put under my preamp and phono stage - that should get exciting ;-)
Given I am much more familiar with my own gear, I will be able to give better feedback at that time and will include the impact of the additional set of feet.
Cheers, Joe