Confessions of an Audiophile Junky-I Got Center Stage With Pitch Perfect Sound

It’s been about 3 days since i installed the footers under the phono stage and preamp and two days under the power amp.

Maybe I’m lucky since I didn’t seem to have suffered the trials and tribulations of the break in period of these devices.

To summarize, there are days when our systems can’t seem to do no wrong and you just can’t pull yourself from the listening chair except to pluck and play cd,or,lp after another, an endless “one for the road” before hitting the sack. Unfortunately, the days when the system is in the “zone” doesn’t occur with regular consistency so we try to figure out why, maybe the kids were polluting the power line with computer garbage, or the cables were moved an inch or two, or did I inadvertently move my seat from the sweet spot just the day before? Who knows but I’m sure most can relate to this experience.

Now imagine your system being in the “zone” day after day, night after night, hour after hour, even after it’s ben turned on and still stone cold. That in a nutshell has been my experience so far. It’s useless for me to go into specifics cuz I wouldn’t know where
To start. All I know is what I hear is consistently excellent and Heaven only knows how the system will sound in 7 days after the alleged full break in period. I leave it up to Jadis and Mullard and the others who have tried these devices to give you a blow by blow account of the improvements they experience on a day to day basis. As for me, im just gonna listen and throw away my reviewers cap. It’s 3am and I need some sleep...
Hi Gerry

I’m gjad they arrived safely and you have gotten them into your system. I do know that settle in time is system specific. I can promise you that the sound will continue to get better over the next 7-10 days so stay tuned and let us know in a week what if any changes you are hearing.
It’s been a while since I’ve posted in this thread but as we now approach almost 1500 Center Stage Feet sales around the globe I have been discovering new suggestions by users of the foot in unique ways

I have been asked by countless people over the past several months if the Crnter Stage foot can be used with book shelf speakers. Until this week the answer was always a resounding “no”.

This week my next door neighbor heard my system with the feet in and asked me about the efficacy of the Center Stage foot under his book shelf speakers. As with everyone else I told him that they weren’t recommend. In spite of this he bought a complete set for his system 6 days ago. Yesterday he invited me over for a listen. I wasn’t prepared for what I heard

I can safely announce that the 1" tall Center Stage is excellent for use with bookshelf loudspeakers and computer based systems. He had 4 under his laptop, 2 under his Porsche design external storage unit, 2 under his iFi DAC and 4 under each bookshelf loudspeaker and the sound was truly exceptional . Settling time is about 72 hours.

On looking at the 1” Center stage feet under his book shelf speakers they were perfectly inserted under each corner and there was a perfect application to the underside of his speakers and to his wooden shelf below. IOW no adapter was used or even necessary.

So as an updated answer to everyone who has been asking about use under book shelf speakers I can safely say that they not only work but every bit as good as elsewhere. The final kicker that I found intriguing was that he achieved complete settle in in only 72 hours.
Congrats Steve, that's quite a milestone in such a short period!

Wow congrats that's an amazing figure achieved in such a short timeframe
Congratulations, Steve!
Center Stage under my SGM server

Congratulations, Steve!

I recently installed 4CS feet under my SGM server. I let them settle in for one week without listening. The biggest thing I noticed when I started listening again was that the sound stage had expanded to to what I would call wrap around and imaging was pin point accurate. I had a friend in town and he wanted to test them on his system, so we removed them for him to try. Wow, the Wrap around effect and pin point imaging was gone. They are being returned ASAP.
Just a brief update on where Joe and I are in the progress of Center Stage. Suffice it to say that we are truly excited about this product with now over 1500 sold and the universal opinion from every user that we are receiving

We have been asked by many readers here and on when some professional reviewers would have the Center Stage feet in their systems for purposes of bringing forth reviews to the audiophile community. Presently the CS feet are in the hands of 4-5 reviewers who are in the USA as well as internationally.These reviews will be forthcoming within the next several months however I thought the membership here would like to read a snippet of a soon to be released review........

from Greg Weaver’s upcoming review for Positive-Feedback. Watch for the link to that review to be published soon

"I’ve been using and experimenting with footers since their very genesis back in the summer of 1983, which saw the introduction of both the Sorbothane™ footed Mission Isoplat and Steve McCormack's machined aluminum ModSquad TipToes, but the Critical Mass Systems Center Stage is something altogether unique.

Once settled into place in my system, their full realization came at about two weeks of continuous play, and the sonic results were nothing short of staggering. The resultant magnitude of improvement more closely resembled that achieved by a significant upgrading of electronics and the addition of an extremely effective power conditioner, not the slight improvements in midrange clarity or focus one might normally expect to realize with the installation of many other footers offered today.

What I heard with them in place was a paradigm shift in performance; an exceptionally lower noise floor, enhanced pitch definition, especially down into the deepest regions of bass, greater resolution of fine detail, notably more naturalness to timbre and texture, more clarity and focus to midrange voices, and to the air and space around them, all of which have assumed a more haunting degree of space, body, and of honest physicality. The resultant sense of overall immersiveness almost borders on surround sound.

While I expect that the results of each installation may vary to some degree, in my experiences with them, these are the most effective tools available to release the otherwise unrealized power and capabilities of the gear you already own. In my system, they are not optional accessories, they are indispensable necessaries!"

Stay tuned for Greg's soon to be released review in Positive Feedback Online as well as several others in the coming months

I have been asked by many readers in and around the Los Angeles /Orange County area if I have demo sets that could be set up in listeners' rooms. To that extent I do have several demo sets that I have been taking around for members to use in their systems. This has been fun for me as I have been getting to hear some terrific systems as well as watching the looks on users faces when they hear the benefit of the Center Stage foot. IMO there is nothing remotely comparable in the market today. Those who have ordered find these devices as an essential part to their systems and 100% of those who had the demos in their systems were crushed when the feet were removed such that the total collapse of the sound stage back to previous levels was unlistenable to these users and everyone who used the demos found as Greg Weaver did that these feet become an essential part to any sound system

Greg's review will be published soon. We have 3-4 other reviewers in the USA with the CS feet now in their systems and their reviews will be published in the next few months so watch for these as well as from several international reviewers over seas
Congrats Steve! Looks like you & Joe make a fantastic team together, keep it up guys!


Just a brief update on where Joe and I are in the progress of Center Stage. Suffice it to say that we are truly excited about this product with now over 1500 sold and the universal opinion from every user that we are receiving

We have been asked by many readers here and on when some professional reviewers would have the Center Stage feet in their systems for purposes of bringing forth reviews to the audiophile community. Presently the CS feet are in the hands of 4-5 reviewers who are in the USA as well as internationally.These reviews will be forthcoming within the next several months however I thought the membership here would like to read a snippet of a soon to be released review........

from Greg Weaver’s upcoming review for Positive-Feedback. Watch for the link to that review to be published soon

"I’ve been using and experimenting with footers since their very genesis back in the summer of 1983, which saw the introduction of both the Sorbothane™ footed Mission Isoplat and Steve McCormack's machined aluminum ModSquad TipToes, but the Critical Mass Systems Center Stage is something altogether unique.

Once settled into place in my system, their full realization came at about two weeks of continuous play, and the sonic results were nothing short of staggering. The resultant magnitude of improvement more closely resembled that achieved by a significant upgrading of electronics and the addition of an extremely effective power conditioner, not the slight improvements in midrange clarity or focus one might normally expect to realize with the installation of many other footers offered today.

What I heard with them in place was a paradigm shift in performance; an exceptionally lower noise floor, enhanced pitch definition, especially down into the deepest regions of bass, greater resolution of fine detail, notably more naturalness to timbre and texture, more clarity and focus to midrange voices, and to the air and space around them, all of which have assumed a more haunting degree of space, body, and of honest physicality. The resultant sense of overall immersiveness almost borders on surround sound.

While I expect that the results of each installation may vary to some degree, in my experiences with them, these are the most effective tools available to release the otherwise unrealized power and capabilities of the gear you already own. In my system, they are not optional accessories, they are indispensable necessaries!"

Stay tuned for Greg's soon to be released review in Positive Feedback Online as well as several others in the coming months

I have been asked by many readers in and around the Los Angeles /Orange County area if I have demo sets that could be set up in listeners' rooms. To that extent I do have several demo sets that I have been taking around for members to use in their systems. This has been fun for me as I have been getting to hear some terrific systems as well as watching the looks on users faces when they hear the benefit of the Center Stage foot. IMO there is nothing remotely comparable in the market today. Those who have ordered find these devices as an essential part to their systems and 100% of those who had the demos in their systems were crushed when the feet were removed such that the total collapse of the sound stage back to previous levels was unlistenable to these users and everyone who used the demos found as Greg Weaver did that these feet become an essential part to any sound system

Greg's review will be published soon. We have 3-4 other reviewers in the USA with the CS feet now in their systems and their reviews will be published in the next few months so watch for these as well as from several international reviewers over seas
When I read reports of people telling that after 72 hours their Center Stage footers are fully burned-in I feel envious. At best all my sets always needed a full week or more before the effect shows in a equilibrated way.

Ten days ago I got a pair of used cj ART mono blocks and I connected them on last weekend. They sounded immediately better than the LP275m's - more air, more tube like, a sweeter and more delicate medium, but perhaps because the LP275m's were using the KT150 and I decided to use some old KT120's for the Center Stage footers burn-in - 10 days of almost continuous tube approaches 10% of their useful life! I listened occasionally at night along the days, yesterday I was at our local AudioShow - plenty of great products - and today I was listening to the system. Big surprise - the bass now had much better punch, slam like very powerful amplifiers, voiced were much more natural and the air around instruments focused them. Just to confirm I played a 192k flac of Saxophone Colossus and the first minutes were like the musicians were much closer - much more energy and enthusiasm, rhythms were better delineated. It was followed by an interesting, but not very exciting Jordi Savall SACD recording from 2009 - "Le Royaume Oublié" (The forgotten Kingdom, The tragedy of the Cathars), that I have always found a little laid back and perhaps too soft had gained presence in my room, the nuances of the voices have now better definition, and the very rich instruments delineate the music in a more evident way, each with with its characteristic sonority.

Percussion is still delicate and dancing, but seems more energetic, faster and listening to all the overlays and decays really adds to drama of the narration. In brief - it sounds more close to the life performance. I should add that bass seems deeper, not just having more slam and punch.

Soon a GAT series 2 will arrive, and again the damn burn-in process must start! :mad:
I wanted to clarify a very important point about which I have been frequently asked

I have been including 2 different shim sizes in each order placed in the event that perfect application of one of the feet is not achieved to the under aspect of the component. The confusion seems to be where the shim should be placed. I a finding that some users have inadvertently placed the shim between the top the CS foot and the underside of the component. THIS IS INCORRECT!!!

It is mandatory that the shim be placed between the bottom of the CS foot and the top of the shelf upon which it stands. For those users who are also owners of CMS racks it is advised that the shim sit on the metal interface that Joe provides with his shelves

I hope this clarifies some of the misconceptions
As I mentioned in Steve's home thread, I had the pleasure of visiting Steve in OC and listened to his marvelous audio system, which has the most CS footers under audio components that one can imagine. Steve demonstrated to me some CDs and LPs which gives out a total immersion effect, which to my ears are incredible for a 2 channel speakers system. The soundstage can go through several kinds of presentation, which quite accurately represents the recording venue, and on some can really have the 'wrap around' effect. The best example would be Roger Waters' Amused to Death on vinyl. I can hear sounds to the left of my ears and a bit to my right. I cannot explain how that can happen, but it is a mind-blowing demonstration and something that I have never heard before. I have not heard Steve's pre-footers sound so I cannot say point blank what the effects are but Steve swears by the fantastic things that has happened, and given that I personally have experienced the great effects of the footers, I do not doubt Steve for a second. There is the same lateral imaging precision from left to right in Steve's room which is similar to my own findings in my own room. Bass is staggering too, and each instrument comes out with virtually a perfect rendition. Simply stunning.
I would like to thank Greg Weaver for taking the time to review Center Stage for Positive Feedback. Greg’s professionalism, work ethic and thoughtfulness are the trademark of his character. His ability to translate impressions into words brings substantial benefit to the audio community. Thank you, Greg, for allowing me to visit you as Center Stage settled in your system. I sincerely hope we can work together again in the future.

I would also like to thank Dr. David Robinson, Editor-in-Chief of Positive Feedback, for his continued support of Critical Mass Systems. David was the first industry professional to allow CMS into his listening room many years ago.

The full review of Center Stage has been published and can be found at the following link:

All the Best


That was an awesome review
Congratulations! Fantastic!
Very informative article - I quote from it "more clarity and focus to midrange voices, and to the air and space around them, all of which have assumed a more haunting degree of space, body, and of honest physicality. " - it says something I already have said concerning the effect of the CenterStage footers in operas, but much better!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted in this thread but as we now approach almost 1500 Center Stage Feet sales around the globe I have been discovering new suggestions by users of the foot in unique ways

I have been asked by countless people over the past several months if the Crnter Stage foot can be used with book shelf speakers. Until this week the answer was always a resounding “no”.

This week my next door neighbor heard my system with the feet in and asked me about the efficacy of the Center Stage foot under his book shelf speakers. As with everyone else I told him that they weren’t recommend. In spite of this he bought a complete set for his system 6 days ago. Yesterday he invited me over for a listen. I wasn’t prepared for what I heard

I can safely announce that the 1" tall Center Stage is excellent for use with bookshelf loudspeakers and computer based systems. He had 4 under his laptop, 2 under his Porsche design external storage unit, 2 under his iFi DAC and 4 under each bookshelf loudspeaker and the sound was truly exceptional . Settling time is about 72 hours.

On looking at the 1” Center stage feet under his book shelf speakers they were perfectly inserted under each corner and there was a perfect application to the underside of his speakers and to his wooden shelf below. IOW no adapter was used or even necessary.

So as an updated answer to everyone who has been asking about use under book shelf speakers I can safely say that they not only work but every bit as good as elsewhere. The final kicker that I found intriguing was that he achieved complete settle in in only 72 hours.

Steve, Congrats!

Place your order for the new WAMMs yet? :)
Steve, Congrats!

Place your order for the new WAMMs yet? :)


Caesar sometimes the things you post are bothersome and I have to say that your last post was one of them as it adds nothing to the overall discussion of the CS Feet

FWIW, I really appreciate Greg Weaver's review of Center Stage. I've read the review a few times and he's obviously an accomplished writer with a long history of experience in aftermarket feet. I'm really glad he decided to take on this project. More than anything, I really appreciate the following assessment, because I've never read anything like this with a similar product. Greg is referring to the installation of 30 Center Stage feet in his system:

“Dear readers, I would never dream of suggesting that $9000 worth of footers is either an insignificant investment, or in any sense of the word inexpensive. But the degree of improvement that their installation alone wrought in a system with a retail north of the $300K neighborhood was so extraordinary as to render their contributions a bargain! I can assure you that I know of no other way to invest so little, what in this case was less than 3% of the total system value, to reap a sonic result that would otherwise unquestionably take a near doubling in price, or greater, to achieve.”

The full review can be found at:
I think caesar was merely hoping you'd be able to do things you couldn't before, based on the number of sales - and thus $$$ - you mentioned. On the other hand, it can be construed as an expression of jealousy.
I think caesar was merely hoping you'd be able to do things you couldn't before, based on the number of sales - and thus $$$ - you mentioned. On the other hand, it can be construed as an expression of jealousy.

Hi Tasos

Maybe and perhaps

Suffice it to say neither has any meaningful purpose in the discussion of CS Feet

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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