Confessions of an Audiophile Junky-I Got Center Stage With Pitch Perfect Sound

Interesting report, Steve.
I wonder if heat has anything to do with the results. Usually a large tube amp or ss amp gives off far more heat than a preamp...even a large and heavy one like you mentioned. Perhaps heat has to do with the immediate settling process that you report with the larger footer under the amps?

That's an interesting thought Davey as these feet do work according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics but I thought it important to report to members this observation because, for my system and my ears there was minimal if any sonic degradation other than a few hours in the deep bass when I removed the 1.0's from under my amp and power supplies
That's an interesting thought Davey as these feet do work according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics but I thought it important to report to members this observation because, for my system and my ears there was minimal if any sonic degradation other than a few hours in the deep bass when I removed the 1.0's from under my amp and power supplies

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is related to entropy and non-reversible processes, not directly to heat.

I have mixed feelings about the "lasting" of the Center Stage effect after removing the footers. Probably after I get the 1.5's I will be able to free some footers to carry a few experiences using the same electronics - Quad 606 stereo amplifiers - one with footers, the other as a reference.
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I’m not so certain about any lasting effect. I certainly did not imply that. The only thing I can say is if you take set out from under a component and listen to a song and then replace the set there is still degradation but I have found the settle time to be greatly diminished.
I’m not so certain about any lasting effect. I certainly did not imply that. The only thing I can say is if you take set out from under a component and listen to a song and then replace the set there is still degradation but I have found the settle time to be greatly diminished.

You say there is a degradation in sound for some time until the feet have settled in, but what about sound improvements when replacing the CS 1.0 feet with the new CS 1.5 feet under the power amps and the power supplies?

Would you say that the CS 1.5 feet are better than the CS 1.0 feet in this case, once they have settled in for a couple of days?
You say there is a degradation in sound for some time until the feet have settled in, but what about sound improvements when replacing the CS 1.0 feet with the new CS 1.5 feet under the power amps and the power supplies?

Would you say that the CS 1.5 feet are better than the CS 1.0 feet in this case, once they have settled in for a couple of days?

Hi Stefan

I only have experience using the CS 1.5's under my amp and power supplies (that for which they were designed) Having said that the performance is indeed better especially in the deep bass as well as the overall believability of the sound stage for a "you are there" experience".

The 1.5 is much bigger and much heavier than the 1.0 and 0.8 and when used for that which it was designed, the 1.5 IMO is indeed a better device. Bear in mind that they were designed for large Class A solid state amps and tube amps that are located between the speakers and thus susceptible to airborne vibrations as well as allowing for adequate ventilation of the component.

I have now had a set of CS 1.0 and 1.5 feet playing in my system about 8 to 10 hours every day for 15 days. The CS 1.0 feet were installed under my DAC and the CS 1.5 feet under my rather heavy tube preamp.

Here are some short listening impressions after about 2 weeks of use (in bullet form). I won't go into details about the degradation and successive improvements I had during the break-in time (this has been described by others in this thread already):

- Soundstage: larger in all dimensions, as well as being more open and detailed with improved clarity, precision and focus
- Lower noise floor (blacker background) with greater dynamic contrasts
- Increased resolution - improved low level detailing
- Improved focus and precision on individual voices and instruments, but yet a cohesive smooth and inviting overall sound
- Improved bass with better clarity, definition and percieved depth

All these improvements can for me be summarized in greater listening enjoyment and I believe that I have come closer to the music!

To say that I'm impressed is almost an understatement. I simply wasn't prepared to get these kind of improvements by installing some new feet in my system. Although, I have read the reports from many other happy users in this thread ;)

I'm now very curious about what improvements a set of CS 1.5 feet would bring under my heavy power amplifier? When funds allow, I hope this might be my next investment in my audio system.

A big thanks to Joe and Steve for bringing these outstanding feet to the market.


I have now had a set of CS 1.0 and 1.5 feet playing in my system about 8 to 10 hours every day for 15 days. The CS 1.0 feet were installed under my DAC and the CS 1.5 feet under my rather heavy tube preamp.

Here are some short listening impressions after about 2 weeks of use (in bullet form). I won't go into details about the degradation and successive improvements I had during the break-in time (this has been described by others in this thread already):

- Soundstage: larger in all dimensions, as well as being more open and detailed with improved clarity, precision and focus
- Lower noise floor (blacker background) with greater dynamic contrasts
- Increased resolution - improved low level detailing
- Improved focus and precision on individual voices and instruments, but yet a cohesive smooth and inviting overall sound
- Improved bass with better clarity, definition and percieved depth

All these improvements can for me be summarized in greater listening enjoyment and I believe that I have come closer to the music!

To say that I'm impressed is almost an understatement. I simply wasn't prepared to get these kind of improvements by installing some new feet in my system. Although, I have read the reports from many other happy users in this thread ;)

I'm now very curious about what improvements a set of CS 1.5 feet would bring under my heavy power amplifier? When funds allow, I hope this might be my next investment in my audio system.

A big thanks to Joe and Steve for bringing these outstanding feet to the market.


Hi Stefan and thanks for your feedback especially regarding the use of your CS 1.5 under your preamp. Joe and I have been getting plenty of feedback from users of the 1.5 under everything but their large class A SS amps as well as tube amps during between the speakers. There has been to date 100% positive feedback on the efficacy of these feet used under any of ones components. We feel quite confidant now in stating that those who want to experience an overall sonic improvement, the CS 1.5 used under any and all of your equipment will definitely bring your system to a whole new level.

I remain uncertain as to the settle in time as I found under my amps and their power supplies the settle in was a matter of hours whereas those using them under front end components are experiencing the standard settle in

The 0.8 and 1.0 remain phenomenal devices. The use of the 1.5 however augments that experience
I have been asked several times recently by new owners of Center Stage feet if the included shims are used on top or on the bottom of the CS Foot. First of a set of shins are included with each order should they become necessary to achieve perfect application of the CS foot to the underside of the component above. The shins are rarely if ever necessary as the CS feet are micrometer matched for each set. If the shim is necessary it is included.

The most important take away point is that the shim must be placed UNDER the CS foot and NOT on top of the CS foot It is most important that the black topping of the CS foot be intimately applied to the underside of your component.

I have had users also ask if the CS foot goes under the stock component foot. The answer is NEVER

I have also been asked if the CS feet can be used under existing Still Points. Again the answer is NEVER In fact I ask all CS users to remove the Still Points from their system completely before they insert the CS feet
I have been asked several times recently by new owners of Center Stage feet if the included shims are used on top or on the bottom of the CS Foot. First of a set of shins are included with each order should they become necessary to achieve perfect application of the CS foot to the underside of the component above. The shins are rarely if ever necessary as the CS feet are micrometer matched for each set. If the shim is necessary it is included.

The most important take away point is that the shim must be placed UNDER the CS foot and NOT on top of the CS foot It is most important that the black topping of the CS foot be intimately applied to the underside of your component.

I have had users also ask if the CS foot goes under the stock component foot. The answer is NEVER

I have also been asked if the CS feet can be used under existing Still Points. Again the answer is NEVER In fact I ask all CS users to remove the Still Points from their system completely before they insert the CS feet

Interesting questions. It may be helpful to include these recommended installation tips in the manual accompanying the footers.
I have used the footers with all kinds of equipment and never had to use the shins. I hope I will not need them - I put them in one of the many individual small black boxes of the footers now populating the accessories drawer - it will take some work to find them, unless I use a metal detector.:)
I have used the footers with all kinds of equipment and never had to use the shins. I hope I will not need them - I put them in one of the many individual small black boxes of the footers now populating the accessories drawer - it will take some work to find them, unless I use a metal detector.:)

You are absolutely correct. Shims are rarely if ever needed as the feet are measured with micrometers. I include two shins with each order if four just in case the users componentbis not absolutely flat on the bottom. The shins are 1/32” and 1/16” in thicknesss. I presently have 60 feet under my components and have never had to use a shim
Btw for those who are patiently waiting in the queue for the CS 1.5, I spoke to Joe a few days ago and he told me they will be ready soon. For those wanting the 1.5 I encourage you to get into the queue and place your order as this guarantees you delivery from the next shipment which is already almost 80% presold
After I got back from the AXPONA show I asked Steve Williams if I could come over and have a listen to his system again...but this time with his system having all the CS footers in which I have not heard before and he welcomed me over. Saturday, I went for a listen. I will post what I heard at Steve's on his thread a little later.
What I was really excited about after hearing his system again and the pretty dramatic difference than what I have heard before, was that Steve was so gracious to send me home with 20 CS footers for me to experience for myself:) After all the post I have read on these and about the super long settling period and the loss of sound quality during this time I must say my results so far have been quite different the first night.

The system I am trying the footers with first are the Von Schweikert E-5 tower speakers and Audio Alchemy's 200 watt monos, dac, media server, pre and external power supply. MasterBuilt Signature speaker cables, Reference USB, Interconnects, and power cords. The rack is just a cheap 4 tier wood rack.



When I got home Saturday early evening I immediately put the footers in. Putting music on immediately had a severe impact on the bass. It was loose and all over the place and the mid and treble were also all over the place. I continued to listen for the next hour and heard the system transform. It was shocking to hear the bass go from completely uncontrolled to within an hour FAR surpass the bass before the footers went in. What the hell? Why am I having such huge improvements within the first hour? Not only did the bass blow me away now the mid and treble are way more focused, and the sound stage is even bigger than ever. From everything that I have read this is not supposed to be happening. My wife just got home, and I immediately had her come over and gave up my seat for her to listen. My wife is not an audiophile but just a plain and simple music lover. I asked her what she was hearing. The first word out of her mouth was what did you do. She said the sound was immersive lol. This is not a word I would ever expect her to say and I found it very funny since this word has been used quite a bit in the description of what these footers do.

I listened for a few hours with my wife with music we are both so familiar with. The sound stage was extending so far past the right and left speakers and crept up beside us. It was quite haunting. And then play something with Q-sound like Roger Waters (holy ****!!) This system has always had a far right and left of speaker’s sound stage, but this was ridiculous. Instruments had a focus and clarity that I have not heard from this system before. In fact, the footers were a greater sonic improvement than me swapping out the Alchemy amps for a $27,000 amplifier. I think the footers I have right now are roughly around the $6,000 retail. $27,000 vs. $6,000 lol. Talk about a no brainer. But the footers are going to go under the $27k amp next We left all the electronics on with no volume and went to bed.

First thing Sunday morning I plopped myself down for a listen and the system had changed quite a bit from the night before. The overall tonality was fine, but the soundstage was now trapped between the right and left speakers. After a few songs I said screw this and we let the system play at a moderate volume for several hours while we spent the day on the lake. When we got back I took a quick listen and it didn’t seem to sound any different than it did in the morning. I turned the volume down and did not return until the next night after work. Of course, all day at work running through the back of my mind I’m trying to grasp what the hell is happening. How could the sound get so good on the first night of having these footers in and on day 2 a total collapse of soundstage.

When I got home from work Monday night we were now right at the 48-hour mark of the footers in play. I was extremely excited that the soundstage was back above the norm like the first night the footers went in. Something still wasn’t quite right though and I’m not even going to begin to describe it. I listened for a while using all the same songs I used the previous listening sessions and again left all the electronics on overnight.

While I was at work the next day, I had talked to my wife a couple of times to see if she was hearing any changes to the system and she seemed confused with what she was hearing which made my anticipation go up and seemed to make the day go slower. By the time I got home the system had changed for the worst. Now the highs were way out in front and the deep bass nonexistent. I listened to a few minutes of a couple songs and couldn’t get in to it. For the next several days I could here the system go all over the place. Pretty much not fun to listen to at all.

After 11 days of having the footers I can really hear the system gaining in some areas. The bass is starting to fill in and the mid/treble are still changing.
I left for Munich which was roughly 14 days away from my system and my wife played the system everyday while I was gone. When I returned from Munich I didn’t listen to my system for several days since I have been with the ULTRA 11’s for a little over a week.

Finally sitting down for a listening session, the footers have been in for a month now. First thing I noticed was the bass was extremely powerful but not out of place and it seemed to have much more musical information in the bass response. The highs were very smooth, and the midrange sounded as if a smearing has been removed that just wasn’t possible with the stock footers on the electronics. I was hearing so much more in the recording. Backing vocals took on a new clarity as well as a more defined location within the mix. On classical music I don’t recall ever hearing the amount of detail I am hearing now. The music has always appeared as a wide stage with the speakers never drawing attention to them, but now it has gone to a completely new level.

For fun I pulled all the footers out and listened for an hour. Everything pretty much collapsed which seem to be more severe than before I ever put the footers in. Weird! I put the footers back in and could hear the performance jump way back up. That lasted for about 30 minutes before the whole system went to crap again. It took a good week or two for the system to come back. Really wish I hadn’t done that.

These footers are awesome. It seems to be one of the most powerful upgrades to a system for less than the cost of swapping out a component. I really wanted to hear what they could do under inexpensive electronics and I’m shocked. Now the Audio Alchemy electronics have some serious Constellation DNA, so I do consider these not the norm for your average $2,000 amp. I’m going to switch out the Alchemy gear for the VAC IQ200 monos, Master Pre, Lampizator Golden Gate (unless our Pacific show up soon), and Aurender N-10 music server. Excited to hear what happens next!
Apparently I've reached that age of not remembering crap and posted twice :( Sorry
For all those who have been in the queue for the CS 1.5's and have been patiently waiting, good news.

Yesterday I finally freceived the shipment of the CS 1.5's

These are being packaged up today for each person who has ordered and they should be in the mail today or tomorrow. Thanks for being so patient. I promise the wait will have been worth it as these newer bigger CS 1.5's perform in a way that will bring your system to a new level.
I'll forego using the tall boys and go directly on Maxxums this weekend Stevie. I'll just wait for my 1.5s. I'll use the tall boys in the bedroom system instead.

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