Part 2
AFAIK, Petr's time crunch was the impetus for the Connoisseur 2.0 (circa 1991) - a phono stage design which kept air-dielectric construction for the amplifier sections, but used a regular circuit-board for the voltage regulators. The voltage-regulator circuit-board allowed Petr to use a more complex topology than he would have cared to build on the old 3-D maze, and this more complex topology kept the overall performance at least as good as the 1.0 - probably better.
Although the 2.0 amplifier sections continued to be built with air-dielectric construction, they did have a circuit-board, which the regulated power rails (and ground), mounting holes for mechanical components such as heatsinks and pillars, and auxiliary circuits such as DC servos. All in all, it was substantially easier to build than the 1.0.
But it was not enough to enable Petr to build enough phono stages for sale in Japan, and Petr increasingly made us aware that he wanted out. So in 1994 I and Stig bought Connoisseur and moved it to Japan, and we renamed it Connoisseur Definitions.
Petr came to Japan for some time, to help us learn how to build and repair the 2.0, but this proved trickier than we thought. I learned how to build a 2.0, but it became clear to me that the board design and transistor module construction allowed too much inconsistency, making it impossible to keep ready-made transistor modules ready to use for new builds or repairs. Each phono stage was an entity unto itself, and I would find myself needing to measure the space available on each phono stage before I could make replacement transistor modules for it.
Keeping a design like the 2.0 in production meant that I would need to become a full-fledged phono preamp builder, with no time to work on cartridges or the other things that I wanted to. It was therefore with relief and regret that we terminated production of the 2.0.
We needed a new design to replace the 2.0, and at first, Petr took the lead. But these early design proposals were not built due to complexity, difficulties in getting them to work, and my assessment that they didn't solve the fundamental issues with the 2.0.
I requested Petr to take a different design approach, and I outlined the circuit characteristics that I was looking for. This was the start of what was to become the 3.0. At first this phase was quite productive. Both Petr and I would propose circuits or circuit ideas (Petr contributing the majority of the fully-developed circuits, myself contributing mostly interesting circuit fragments), and we were inspired by each other's ideas. However, the project gradually succumbed to featureritus, and I was fully as guilty as Petr. Wanting to take the next step beyond "air-dielectric", I proposed "vacuum-dielectric", and designed an elaborate chassis concept that would allow this to happen. For his part, Petr designed various circuits that were fascinating in their approach, but a bear to get working properly.
After a year or two of piling elaborate concept upon elaborate concept, I had to concede that we weren't getting close to our goal of having a new phono stage design. So I went through all of the amplifier topologies that had been proposed up to that time, and selected what I felt were the most promising candidates. I further cleaned up the circuits and built them onto a set of 2.0 circuit boards (the 2.0 circuit boards, being mostly air-dielectric, allowed me to build in pretty much any circuit that would fit into the physical space available).
I called the result the 2.5, and it worked really well. We played it for customers that had very elaborate audio systems (TOTL FM Acoustics full setup etc.), and they likewise agreed that the 2.5 was convincing enough to put into production.
Since we now had a sort of solid foundation, I gave Petr more freedom on the power supply and voltage regulator designs. The two of us had been discussing that it would be really nice if the 3.0 design didn't use any electrolytic capacitors at all, and Petr designed a voltage regulator concept that enabled this. His voltage regulator had an output voltage of +/-35VDC, but called for an input voltage of +/-144VDC. The thinking was that the voltage regulator would shave 109V off the 144V inputs to get to 35V, and in the process it would also shave off every last morsel of noise and distortion, while the 144V raw power supply would give the voltage regulator tremendous energy reserves - enough that the usual electrolytic capacitors could be replaced with film caps. In essence, rather than using sheer capacitance to store the energy reserves, we used high voltages.
We found that ASC made some nice-sounding high-voltage polypropylene film caps of maybe 50uF, and we contacted them and asked them to make us a custom cap with as much capacitance as their winding machines would allow. The result was a 190uF capacitor that was bigger than many beer cans, and we decided to use 12 of these per power supply (2280uF). We also wanted amorphous-core power transformers, so we bought the cores from one company, spools of high-purity copper wire from another company, and delivered this to a transformer manufacturer in Berkeley to have it built into melon-sized custom power transformers (with dual 102VAC secondaries). The rectifiers were fast/soft recovery types in big power packages, and everything was wired up with high-purity solid-core copper wire in teflon tubing and no circuit boards. Each power supply was big and damn heavy, and there were two of them per preamp (one per channel).
But there was a price to be paid for ditching the electrolytic capacitors, and that price was heat. We decided to use two voltage regulator sets (positive/negative) per channel, one for the phono section, the other for the line section, and with a 109V drop on each voltage regulator, it was clear that we would be dissipating a tremendous amount of heat.
I looked at various off-the-shelf heat sinks and didn't find anything that I liked, and that was what lead to the machined-from-solid chassis, with integrated heatsinks (again machined from solid). Despite the heroic chassis, the 3.0 still ran fiendishly hot, and we had to reconsider the chassis dimensions and materials a few times until we were able to get the chassis temperature down to 50~55 degrees celsius (which is still hotter than you would want to touch for longer than a few seconds).
At the same time, I was working on the circuit board designs, first to engineer out the mechanical inconsistencies that the 2.0 amplifier boards and transistor modules had, and next to get Petr's voltage regulators working. I had selected some fancy high-frequency ceramic-loaded circuit-board material which had good electrical properties, but it turned out to be mechanically and chemically rather weak. I drilled holes in the amplifier boards and inserted teflon standoffs to create the mounting points for the air-dielectric, but in practice the bonding of the standoffs to the circuit board was not nearly as secure as I would have liked. This was a key reason why I later vetoed exports of the 3.0.
The problems with the fancy board material were particularly acute with the voltage regulator boards, as the company that applied the artwork to the raw board material had used some kind of glue to laminate the board layers together (these were multi-layer boards), and we found that the voltage regulators would work at first, then fail with short-circuits. At first we suspected that the components were overstressed due to the heat or high voltages and were failing, but putting in higher-rated component didn't solve the problems. We found out who the culprit was when we stripped off the components from a failed regulator board, measured the board itself, and found short-circuits(!). So we cut the board apart, and discovered that the glue layers had turned black in places, and these areas showed very low resistance (or short-circuits). I envision that it was a combination of the high voltages, high currents and high frequencies which caused the glue layers to gradually carbonize and turn conductive - needless to say I changed board materials ASAP (smile).
However, Petr's voltage regulator designs also proved troublesome, and even with a revised circuit-board material and layout, it took some time before we understood what kinds of transistor parameters to prioritize for each location (even using the same model transistor).
It took a bit longer to sort out all of the remaining issues, but the 3.0 finally launched in 1999, and we submitted it to Stereo Sound (the thick, coffee-table audio magazine) for review, and they gave it a Component Of The Year award, which was pretty nice (smile).
To provide a summary of who did what on the Connoisseur Definitions 3.0, Petr Mares did the majority of the circuit design work. I set the overall design goals and contributed some circuit ideas, selected which of Petr's circuits to use, built and debugged them, did the circuit-board layout (including the air-dielectric design), handled other tasks like designing the nude metal-foil coaxial attenuators, and defined the general mechanical structures (including keeping the wood away from over the circuits, which was one of the big problems with the 2.0) and overall layout (that three-knob design). Yoshinori Sasaki (then ScanTech's sales chief, now CEO of a separate company called ScanTech Hambai) did most of the chassis and mechanical design. Jim Sweeney designed and made the the wood cabinet (including the side-scoops). And Richard Less taught me how to use the EDA program Protel 98, which I used to design the circuit boards of the 3.0.
In retrospect, managing the 3.0 project was a question of how many new and wild ideas it was possible to keep in the pot without having them overwhelm me, or at least seriously disrupt the balance of the overall design. Given my abilities at that time, the main reason why I could shepherd the 3.0 into production was that I was able to jettison enough of the complexity to get the project down to a size that I could keep in my head. Being in my position got a bit uncomfortable some of the time, but it was a great learning experience, and I am happy that I could work with Petr, Jim, Sasaki, Richard (and Stig) to make the 3.0 a reality.
kind regards, jonathan
PS. Please let me know if anyone wants to hear about the 4.x and the 5.