Crossover Upgrade for CLX


Nov 22, 2012
I am curious to hear from any of you that have listened to Depth i or Descent i subs with CLX's with and without the upgrade to change the crossover slope.

I have 4 Depth i subs and don't seem to have an issue I or anyone that has listen has mentioned.

I don't know if it will make much difference but it could fall into that unknown category.

I didn't know what I wasn't hearing until I heard it or I didn't know what I was hearing until it didn't hear it any more.

I have searched some forums and general internet with no real information. Maybe I am not phrasing it properly.
Hola Brad.

You should try the new line of subs, like the BF-210. This unit comes with a special firmware for each Martin Logan model. You just download the right filter for your speaker model. In your case, for the CLXs. I had previously your subs in my system. They are fantastic subs, but the new line is totally different. The sound is mellow and deeper. Also they blend with the CLXs like magic. I really recommended to you this subwoofer. The image is better, and the sense of 3D is breathtaking. Just give then a try.

To my ears, they prodive robust deeper bass, with much cleaner sound overall. You still can do the dime test to impress your friends with it.

Happy listening,

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