I think so. You are gear obsessed and not music obsessed. Since you only listen to Abbey Road, send me the rest of your Beatles LPs and I will take them for a spin for you unless of course they are the Capitol versions. Abbey Road is the one album that people who don't really care about the Beatles claim they like. As good as Abbey Road is, compared to the earlier Beatles LPs, it's fluff. I own two copies of the BC-13 collection and the one Beatles LP I play the absolute least is (drum roll please) Abbey Road.
Anyone that calls Abbey Road "fluff" is either joking or has forever disqualified him/herself as a commentator to be taken seriously on this forum. Whether YOU actually think it is their best album (which is strictly a personal taste issue) or not is besides the point.
For reference, it was picked as the #2 best Beatles album by Rolling Stone readers.