Yes I agree with the first sentence ? above; Davey is a great audio discussion's starter. He is indeed very talented in how he starts the open audio discussions.
He is a great asset. His formulations keep us on the edge of balance, in check with our audio surroundings...on all aspects.
* I watched a "dark" type of movie last night; part comedy part drama part psychological part reality part Hollywood movie industry from yesteryears part unique humor from the Coen brothers. ...For a dedicated movie thread. But just to mention that some terms we use in audio language can similarly apply to movies as well.
Thanks for the very nice compliments guys. Bob, I can easily see how the term 'dark' could be applied to describe a movie, not so much to what we hear. The 'visual' words that we utilize to describe certain aspects of sound reproduction are interesting to me, mainly I guess due to my background.
BTW, when it comes to descriptors that reference fine wines...that truly leaves me baffled in this hobby, LOL.