ok, time to ask for some help. tonight i'm going to try my best to reduce or eliminate some noise from my DaVa Reference with tube PSU. i can't judge the gain properly until i get the noise under control. and i need to do that so Dave can supply me with the correct SUT.
any little tips to make it easier will be appreciated. particularly a method to ground one of the power poles on the cartridge? how can i do that on that tiny pole and still have room to slide the cartridge pin on the pole? just thinking about it scares me.
Darius has provided me with a few diagrams to guide me as to choices to try. and talking to Dave Slagle about it he suggested that maybe others here have already found the 'easy-peasy' way.

maybe a short tiny wire with thin metal washers somehow attached at both ends? where to source, how one with zero skills might build it? how to make sure it grabs the pole? i can think of things, but no clue how to make it.
so i'm asking. here are the diagrams Darius has provided. thanks in advance for any help.
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