John, I think you're over-complicating things and you seem to be only lending credence to the results of blind-tests that suit your point of view while defining what kind of tests are valid and what aren't, based on logic only you seem to grasp.
Max, my point is not really complicated at all. I've no problem in accepting the typical
forum run blind test get-togethers as anecdotal evidence, just like sighted tests are.
To attempt to raise it to the level of scientific proof is where the complexity arises but, hey, that's the scientific method for you - what can you do except live with it. To ensure this rigour in a scientific test requires significant planning & implementation of many controls. This is well trodden ground & a number of standards documents were published to cover the factors that need to be controlled. So I think all would agree that this is the standard by which to conduct rigorous blind testing.
Now, if all factors aren't being dealt with then we have uncontrolled variables which demotes any such tests to the level of anecdotal evidence.
What is being argued here is "my anecdotal evidence is better than your anecdotal evidence" because I have dealt with one or two of the many factors needed. Well I don't see the evidence to draw this conclusion.
If I was to present measurements here that I had taken which showed that all speakers measure the same you would justifiably ask me about my measurement system & technique. Maybe my microphone was shot, maybe my ADC was insensitive, maybe background noise swamped the differences, maybe ..........there are many other factors. If I then repeated the test in a quieter environment but didn't check my ADC or microphone & still presented the same results - all speakers measure the same, this wouldn't validate the results, would it? This is what is happening here - the big, obvious factor, sightedness is being dealt with, volume matching is being dealt with but no other factors which can strongly influence the result are given consideration. A simple way of proving my measurements would be to measure a known control to the expected measurements & if my measurement system showed that indeed I'm getting the correct measurement for it then some assurance of the capability of the equipment is shown.
Controls of this nature are seldom if ever used in forum run blind tests. Indeed when I asked Ashley what controls he used he demured.
Such is the nature of tests in forums - they are anecdotal, no problem there but let's be democratic about it - it applies to all forum run blind test
So, now we get onto the ABX tests results. Unfortunately, you guys have pinned your hats to ABX testing & it has produced positive evidence that there is indeed a difference. The reasons for this are being debated currently
If you don't accept these results then you have to state the shortcomings of the ABX test (that has always been championed)
So yea, I'm happy to agree to disagree after stating my position above.