Unfortuanately, math is not binding on the real world.
It is not? When we remodeled our new house, we wanted to take out two posts supporting our 30 foot plus cathedral ceiling. An Engineer designed a monster laminated 24 inch beam to replace the existing much, much thinner one supporting the roof previously. They chainsawed the house roof in half, and inserted this thing:
Look at the size of it relative to the workers!
I am typing this under that beam. The comfort I have in doing so comes from "math being used in real world" to design the strength of it to make sure it can carry the *maximum* load that is ever subjected to it. So math definitely applies to real world. See more below.
From your comments Amir and with all due respect, I sense that somehow that you have never ever built any real world thing from a mathematical model.
There is no respect in that statement so let's put aside platitudes. What is ironic is that the case I made is 100% supportive of your point of view yet in the mission to argue against anything I say, you took it the other way.
So I will repeat it again. If math can prove something to be inaudible, no one can ever argue against it. Read that again. It says that if we can show something to be inaudible using mathematics, then no amount of subjective data saying otherwise mean anything whatsoever. The case is closed by definition.
As a person who advocates many things in audio is inaudible, you should celebrate that fact, not argue against it.
As to my accomplishments in using mathematical models, I don't care if you acknowledge any of it. It does not matter anyway because the above statement stands on its own. As does the illogical nature of you saying mathematics is not binding on real world.
I've had the experience of building numerous real world things from mathematical models. Some might say that I've made a career out of building real world things from mathematical models. I've built things from math models I developed, and I've built things from math models that others developed. I've watched others build things from my math models, and I've watched other people build things from other people's math models.
Good for you Arny.
Never, ever has a real world thing performed perfectly identically to the corresponding math model. Sometimes its a complete miss, sometimes its close, and sometimes its so close that it takes your breath away. But it is never, ever has something built in the real world based on a math model performed identically to the math model. I don't think that anybody has ever built something that exactly matched the math model.
You are reinforcing the point I made, yet claim to disagree with it. I gave the 98db example of CD audio S/N. That sets the *maximum* specification for the system. That is what the math predicts to be the best performance achievable. Real products may or may not match it. But what we can say with 100% confidence that no one can claim it to be quieter than that.
The above is very useful to settle one class of arguments -- that we can exceed a performance level predicted by mathematics. We cannot. We can underperform it as you say and that leaves us the complicated world of then using subjective data to figure out if that level of underperformance matters.
Let's apply this to jitter. I have said repeatedly that if measured jitter is below 500 ps peak to peak, then its distortion products as a matter of math is below the noise of your digital system at 16 bits and 20 Khz of bandwidth (for periodic jitter). If you then buy a digital system that has a measured jitter of say, 100 ps, then you are *assured* by mathematics to not have jitter be a distortion product you have to worry about. You don't need to read this thread. You don't need to know about ABX or any other blind testing. You don't need to hire a 100 people to go run a test. Nothing. You know the answer already.
Now take a system that underperforms and has a jitter of 5,000 ps. Now the math doesn't help you prove it is inaudible. To be clear, it also doesn't prove it is audible either. You now have to go and run blind test until cows come home to profile every type of jitter in every type of equipment to see what is audible and what is not. After all, you have no a priori knowledge of what jitter exists in my system so you better test the universe or else your testing may not apply to me.
See how useful the math is here? Good news for us is that we don't have to spend hardly anything in grand scheme of things to get under 500 ps of jitter. Do that and math is your friend. Don't and another math, that of infinite permutations, comes to bite your behind!
So much for your math models, Amir. Math is a wonderful thing, but at its highest levels, its a closed box. Within the box, math is perfect. Outside, not so much. Nothing ever escapes from that box and into the real world completely unchanged. Close, but never ever a cigar!
Per above, a smart pragmatist knows how to use mathematics to perform real world jobs. Whether it is to design a beam of a house that is held at two posts 40 feet away yet it doesn't sag, or the computations of jitter, mathematics can help us a lot in understanding our system limitations and design the appropriately.
You have built a lifetime of experience on promoting experimentation. So I get why you go there. Me? I have seen how expensive and challenging it can be to do that right. In that sense, if I can use mathematics to cut out a portion of the required testing area, I do. That is what we do in real world where we have to build things commercially and make money on them. We care about things that have infinite cost and look for ways to reduce that.
Spoken like someone who has never measured equipment that runs at 16 bits. In the real world, if you find something that runs with 16 bit data and has an unweighted SNR of even just 93 dB, you are a pretty happy camper! I take it you never heard of dither, Amir. No proper digital system lacks it! It takes its toll on the good old SNR. If you have a real world 16 bit digital system with a measured SNR of 98 dB, the measurement was weighted - probably A-weighted. A-weighting is good for up to a 10 dB improvement in measured SNR.
So? That has nothing to do with the point I made. If you want to prove me wrong, you have to show that measured performance can exceed the ceiling established by the mathematics. You have said the opposite above.
Back in the real world 16 bit equipment with 80 dB SNR is very common.
There is? That is a worthy of bookmarking next time you repeat PCs have S/N far above that!
If you use the right noise-shaped dither, no less than the inestimable Dr. Stanley Lipshitz tells me that you can have a perceptually-equivalent SNR of 120 dB.
Noise shaped dither indeed can be used to raise the effective S/N in ear's most sensitive frequency range to above what the flat dither would show. Don't look but it is the math that sets that ceiling
. BTW, another excellent citation is that of Bob Stuart and his wonderfully written and easy to read AES paper on coding digital audio. It is in our technical library.
Thanks again for yet another trip through your world, Amir. Unfortunately yoru world would seem to have very little connection with the real world at this point. ;-)
Arny, another friendly warning as the moderator to not make this discussion personal. State your case and let people deduct if I live in the real world or not.