Hello Elliot,
Despite my best efforts, it seems that the more I write, the more opaque I make this thread. Last one from me, then.
Irrespective of whether I was tracking, mixing, or at home listening, I was not using “reality” to evaluate what I was hearing - I was using my perception. And my perception is defined by my preferences and biases. Therefore, I’m never not using my perception to evaluate reality, and therefore, seldom free from my preferences and biases.
Whether I was tracking, mixing or listening at home, it was always my perception perceiving reality, and it was that perception that allowed me to choose what it was I considered major or minor, and what it was I could choose to ignore - including the mixing desk in front of me, the odd shaped room and indeed, the steep roll off of my ATCs. These were the “realities” of my specific circumstances - and came with their own set of compromises. This is possibly true of anyone who assembles a real-world system (or indeed, chooses which component lines to represent for resale), rather than one solely on paper - we each need to choose what we're willing to live with and what we are not, given the perfect system does not exist except to the one whom perceives it to be so.
I would love to live in reality as defined by theory or pure objectivity, Elliot, but unfortunately I must make do with reality as filtered and defined by the limits of my subjectivized and finite perception.