Echole - a cable chronicle

Greetings, and Happy New Year, WBF'ers..!

UPDATE: I can finally report an update of my continued personal trek into the Echole cables ecosystem, as the scent of the trail (in my pursuit) just picked back up. It has been just over 12-months** since my last Echole acquisition (see thread starting back in December, 2020), however, on Monday (Jan-10), I took possession (and inserted) two long awaited Echole "Limited Edition 2" (LE-2) power cables into key positions in my system. A very exciting day here, indeed. With these two PC's now inserted, this is my first opportunity to hear a "partial" Echole loom. These 2 new PC's now compliment my 3 previous pairs of Echole "Signature" signal interconnects, and Echole "Limited Edition 1" (LE-1) speaker cables and jumpers.

Use case: Before I get into the sound, I would like to lightly describe my atypical system requirements, and the "key" areas chosen for these two PC's to be deployed/employed. My system requires 7 mains (3 for the digital Innuos kit & 4 for the audio kit), which ALL plug into my Equitech 1.5Q, which now makes 8 mains. Plus, 2 more mains for my Audio Physic Luna Sub and Uptone Audio JS-2 LPS, and so the grand total is actually 10 mains. For this vast distribution, Kerem and I reviewed and agreed the best two places to deploy them are: insert 1 for the Blue Circle NSC PreAmp; and the other into the Equitech 1.5Q balanced power supply, which is the power source for all 7 playback components. If helpful, see the red font in the system FLOW image below:

FLOW - 2022-01-11.png

Enter the Echole LE-2 PC's. These PC's were promptly inserted and replaced two trusty PC's that have served us well; however, the synergy of these two new LE-2 PC's absolutely take our system to a new sphere. With just a few days of play time, here are my initial listening notes and impressions:

"Tone and timbre have a true clarity, richness, and rightness (weight, density, and resolution) during sound inception, rise, propagation and decay. There is a new-found depth into which you can hear into the micro transient rise time without any (of the previously undetected) blur when the music envelope surges in amplitude (dB). It is quite amazing (even emotionally thrilling). I did not anticipate to discover this newfound resolution. As the typical X, Y, Z dimensions have all improved, it feels like this new clarity is in the "t" dimension (time dimension) when the envelope propagation accelerates during transient rise times. [If I can attempt to describe better with my limited knowledge, it feels like: the completeness and coherency of the music stays fully intact during moments when the wave propagation of the sound envelope 'accelerates' (or increases) during dynamic bursts, enabling much more information, clarity and body in these crucial transient moments (which is almost all the time in music). The sound envelope now arrives (counter intuitively) softer to the ear, yet clearer, with none of the previous blur (i.e., distortion).] The frequency spectrum is even, with no peaks or hotspots; music is FLOWING, full of dynamics, micro-detail, and instrumental ambience; and, everything appears in space with clarity out of 'deep darkness'. Everything is quieter, but there is more 'there' there; and at the same time, the music is cohesively more rhythmic and together. PRaT is significantly better: more foot tapping, lyric, and melodic. There is more "life" in the soundscape. The feeling of completeness and connection to the music is much deeper.

Specific example: Bill Evan's piano (and his Trio) just sounds right - it's just clearer and more enveloping into my space (room). Complete tone and timbre have emerged, and the composition is more solid and in focus. His recording sounds.... dense, clear, full, and a complete musical and emotional conveyance emerges out of a dark space. I just noticed even Bill's spoken voice is less nasally than before, and more wholistic (there is some authentic nasal still there, but it is less "strident"). The high notes (e.g., snare drum and brushes) are clearly present - crisper, tighter, and more available in the soundscape; the mids are cleaner and clearer (with no loss of density); and the bass information and musicality also received another strong uplift - they are much more present and engaging. Everything is in balance. The musical envelope just 'breathes' more life.

I believe part of the new-found wholeness now conveyed is due to the intrinsic synergy of having this "partial" Echole loom - which together now reveals a greater whole. It is really special (to my ears!). A revelation!"

So, here is my Echole recap to date:

- Interconnects: check! Magnificent
- Sub Cables: check! Amazing
- Speaker Cables: check! Majestic
- Power Cables: Revelation!

I am now a convert in the loom theory, if you are with the "right loom" for your kit, room, and personal preferences. This has been my unique experience, and as they say, YMMV.

On a side note: I would like to thank Kerem and the Echole representatives across several geographic locations that have really helped me out over the last year. As I said previously, I am not affiliated with Echole. I am just a fellow traveler, and a very satisfied Echole customer.

I hope this chronicle of my personal trek will help other embarking on their journey and pursuits.

Please continue to be well and safe.

** Footnote: During this hiatus, I have been busy with a few other important system additions/updates since my original report, including (in sequential order):

* Uptone Audio eRegen & JS-2 LPS
* Innuos PhoenixNET
* Mundorf Ag/Au DC cables
* JMR Orfeo Jubile speakers (replacing my 18-year old JMR Offrande Mk. IV monitors)
* Triode Wire Labs Freedom ethernet and Digital America PC's
* Shunyata Omega USB cable
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Just sharing an interim update for this chronicle:

It has now been about 30-days since the insertion of my 2 new Limited Edition-2 (LE-2) PC's into key areas of my atypical system (see previous entries in thread above for system insertion details). I suspect these PC's are now revealing +95% of their performance**. Based on my previous (and yet somewhat limited) experience with Echole cables, I suspect they will finally be 100% settled in another couple of weeks.*** Even during this break-in period, though, they have been delivering music since insertion in a manner which is revealing an emotional level that is wholly touching and intimate.

At this time, with about 4-weeks of break-in under their belts, here is my nominal listening notes: Dynamics and scale have grown to new proportions. Emotions, breathe, and touch have unfolded further. The noise floor is even quieter, and low-level details in the bass, upper bass, and lower mid areas are even more clear, more real, and with improved balance and focus. More human, and more human expression. Also, just in the last 2-days, when I cycle on the system (every morning at 7:30am****) it is not "groggy" or hazy during the first hour. It is very listenable upon a fresh cycle-up right out of the gate.

I believe there is something special going on here bigger (and better) than 'appears on paper'. A deeper gesture is being evoked that is greater than the sum of the parts. It seems that each time I insert an Echole cable, I get (metaphorically) a component upgrade. More real, more breathe, more emotion, more flow, more touch. With a partial Echole loom now employed, the music is not only elevated to a much higher humanity (i.e., human-like), but it is more than just the individual Echole pieces - the sum of the loom is communicating en masse. I am now taking the perspective (and the school of thought) that cables are incredibly important components themselves. Many individuals in audiophilia are already in that camp, but I am now a subscriber (at least within the Echole ecosystem). [As you know, "echole" (the word) is French for "school", so perhaps Kerem is trying to teach me (us) something here. What is the secret message (innuendo) here for me to learn? Could it be that "cables are important components"? Perhaps that is one the school lessons. Could another lesson be: the loom does matter for complete synergy? Just a couple of whimsical thoughts.] I do appreciate that each electronic device of the system does their specialized function in the playback chain (indeed they do!), however, the cables are the "arteries" that carry the blood, the oxygen... the life force..., from the mains' inlets, to the active organs (components), and (finally) all the way to the transducers. The better the cables, the better the life force.

As a customer, I believe Kerem and his team have developed a very unique and special 'technology' with their hybrid alloys that surpasses conventional thinking (and conventional implementation). In my mind, the blending of these high-precision metals (Ag, Au, Pd) into a hybrid alloy and combining them with the best dielectrics, connectors, etc., brings a new species into play. This level of technical artistry in metallurgy feels like a natural "next generation" progression (or extension) of what Kondo Sans originally demonstrated with his application of Ag, which revolutionized high-end audio as we know it today. I believe this particular technology Echole has refined and employs really pleases the brain/ear mechanism in a very special way, for whatever reason. All that said, I can only speak for 'my ears'.

IMHO, these cables are really amazing. As they say, "YMMV". Also, as they say, "Every day is a school day".

Please continue to be well and safe...

** I suspect that one LE-2 is fully broken in (on my Equitech 1.5Q, which remains on 24-hours a day); however, the other LE-2 that is on my PreAmp only gets about 12-hours a day, so it may have 2-weeks still to go. It also seems to me that (on average) the longer the component takes to break-in, the better it's pedigree.

*** The Echole break-in periods in my system (on average, around the 550-hour mark) may be unique "to me" due to the electronics in my system, as I imagine my components have to adjust to the new, revealing cables as well, while concurrently the cables themselves are also getting settled. So, perhaps my kit may take more time than average ?? YMMV

**** I leave all the digital kit and DAC on 24 x 7. I only cycle the Preamp, Amps, and Sub.
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After two round of cables loom experience, I’ve finally reached my audio Nirvana with Echole cables loom although the audio journey never ends. It makes my day each time I get to know of an Echole ‘convert’.

Re-tread, enjoy the Echole journey
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After two round of cables loom experience, I’ve finally reached my audio Nirvana with Echole cables loom although the audio journey never ends. It makes my day each time I get to know of an Echole ‘convert’.

Re-tread, enjoy the Echole journey
Only have the Echole Omnia PC so far but it is the most natural sounding and musical PC I've ever had in my system, while matching other top tier cables for resolution and all of the audiophile attributes. There is something special about the gold/silver/palladium conductor alloy. I have not heard an all silver or all copper conductor cable that sounds as balanced and artifact free.
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After two round of cables loom experience, I’ve finally reached my audio Nirvana with Echole cables loom although the audio journey never ends. It makes my day each time I get to know of an Echole ‘convert’.

Re-tread, enjoy the Echole journey
Greetings @JC1206

Welcome to this Echole thread, and to WBF...! Per your signature, you have accumulated an amazing class of very top-tier Echole cables, indeed. Wow! It is great to read your encouragement and positive feedback from a "fellow-traveler" so deep in the (your) Echole journey. I can only imagine your Absolare system sounds fantastic within your immersive Echole ecosystem. Yes, you can count me as an Echole convert given my truly inspiring results to date. Given my progress, I have a desire to continue my trek into Echole further as well (more details to follow).

If you have any additional details/observation/realizations learned upon your Echole cable journey that you would like to share at a later time, you are always welcome to contribute to this thread. I (and many others) could certainly benefit from reliable, heuristic observations.

Only have the Echole Omnia PC so far but it is the most natural sounding and musical PC I've ever had in my system, while matching other top tier cables for resolution and all of the audiophile attributes. There is something special about the gold/silver/palladium conductor alloy. I have not heard an all silver or all copper conductor cable that sounds as balanced and artifact free.

Hi @Cellcbern - nice to hear from you again. I am learning that the more Echole cables employed in my system, the more they work together in an aggregate kind-of-way; and, the mutually "symbiotic" results are much more/better than I anticipated.

2 Sidenotes:
1. From what I understand, most Echole user's start with PC's (a very valid approach - and I believe it is the preferred way to approach), then proceed with interconnects and finally speaker cables. I sort of came in backwards, due to other cable impediments. I started with interconnects, then speaker cables, then finally came back around to the PC's. Thus, when I eventually employed just 2 new PC's (Limited Edition-2), I believe my other Echole cables already employed downstream became fully maximized. Really special transformation.
2. Echole does employ "custom" Furutech NCF (R) connectors on their 3 top-tier cables, however, Echole ensures there is absolutely no negative downside with the amount of the the Rhodium "ingredient" employed. Hope that lessens anyone's concerns. Moreover, if you still prefer no Rhodium, the Limited Edition-1 and Omina-1 (and many other cables offered) do not have the above cited connector. Refer to the Echole website for details.

CYA: Any real questions pertaining to the above side-notes #1 (approach) & #2 (connectors) above should be confirmed with an Echole representative, as these are just "my" understanding.

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Echole is a great brand, but not too well known in the US. I've tried from their original Passion line up through their Omnia. To me, the Obsession Signature and Omnia cables (I have RCAs, PC and Digital) are wonderful additions to any system that cannot invest in the LE or higher. Even the Obsession is a worthy cable. It's nice to see them talked about fondly here.
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Greetings @HollywoodAmps, and welcome to this Echole thread.

Great to hear from another experienced Echole user. Sounds like you have a nice assortment of Echole cables. If you have any lessons learned, or insights, feel free to share your experiences here. Moreover, you are welcome to share more details about your implementation, if you like.

Yes, I completely agree - the entire Echole line-up is excellent and very special indeed. I began my trek into the Echole world with 2-pairs of their Obsession Signature XLR interconnects (which was the third line from the bottom when considering the original Passion entry-point). They put me on the journey I am currently on. From there, I have been able to climb-up a few levels within the family lines -- as high as the Limited Edition 2 (LE-2) in a few instances. Going forward, I will aim to stay anywhere between the Signature and the Limited Edition 2 (LE-2) models. Every Echole cable I have introduced into my system has made a meaningful uplift for me (according to my personal preferences, of course). As they say, YMMV.

I now consider my Echole cables fundamental to my system, as they delivery so much FLOW and LIFE. The reason I target some of the better levels in the Echole family is because I would like to increase (more) breathe, intimacy, touch, humanity, emotion and EASE, which is a hallmark of the Echole cables. It is actually part of their design philosophy.

At this time, the next Echole cables on my radar to acquire are: a LE PC (for my DAC) and a Omnia PC (for my Innuos Zenith server). I believe I am on-track to acquire them by March, 2023 - maybe one of them a bit sooner if possible. After those two, I am considering pivoting towards another pair of Omnia PC's for my mono-block amplifiers, but I will take it one step at a time. I have additional ideas for potentially more Echole PC's for a few ancillaries (my Subwoofer, JS-2 LPS, & my Innuos peripherals), but those are just ideas (at this point) as they are too far into the distant future.

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Just a small, yet, note-worthy update in my chronicled trek into the Echole cables ecosystem.

I just received another Limited Edition Series 2 (LE-2) power cable this past Monday (now 6-days ago). Kerem and his team were great to work with (once again). Upon receiving the LE-2, it was promptly deployed into my system, and is now powering my custom DAC. The sonic uplift out of the gate (and for the entire week) has been very appreciable, taking my system definitely to new a new "high-water-mark" plateau. My system is sounding better (and more real) than ever before. Here are my initial listening notes (pardon the grammar):

"With this Echole LE-2 pc now employed in my system (powering my DAC), my system's sound is now conveying: more information, detail, and just plain more MUSIC; but not in your face, as the sound envelope is now easier for the ear/brain mechanism. The extremes show-up with better resolution (e.g., the highs extend further, yet sound "easier" and more resolved; and the bass is deeper, with better clarity and resolution). The mid-band sounds more sonically "purer", now stripped of a thin veneer of haze (previous unknown "sonic blockage"). The sonic spectrum (from bottom to top) has more intra-delineation and accuracy, more layering in the music. Timbre is more accurate, believable, and ultimately "realer". I am really enjoying it. It is just what my system needed. There are no peaks or hot-spots, it is very even-handed and coherent, and the music just FLOWS. More music is seen (heard) in the time-and-space tapestry; background instruments have more prominence; PRaT and musical snap and verve are greater. Voices sound more real, more emotion, more human touch. There is just more "there" there, and the entire musical performance is more holistic."

At this time, I only have about 35-hours of actual "play-time" on this new PC, and it has already indicated that it will begin its anticipated "roller-coaster" break-in pattern soon. In my limited experience with Echole cables (and only in my system), it seems my Echole cables take about 550-hours to fully relent and finally settle-in. YMMV.

This cable just really blends in seamlessly with the existing Echole cables I have in-place, and the sonic outcome of this new PC insertion is just a very "natural" uplift of the new whole. This is my third Echole LE-2 power cable to date, and my "partial" loom of Echole cables is gaining greater residency in my system as my partial Echole loom expands ever-so-gradually. Echole cables are really very special (IMHO), and fundamental to my system. I am already looking forward to my next Echole acquisitions (perhaps next would be Echole Omnia-2 PC's).

Side note: Originally, I did have a small concern (almost a slight hesitation) about Rhodium metal being introduced into my system (via the Furutech Rhodium NCF connectors Echole's top cables employ), however, I now feel that with three Echole LE-2 pc's in place, the sound is so natural that my concern is now fully extinguished.

One pattern that has repeatedly revealed itself (to me) using Echole cables is: every time I add an Echole cable to my system, I get a metaphorical component upgrade, and the overall sound of my system elevates to a better, realer, more humane place (and a higher plateau). As they say YMMV, and, "Every day is a school day".

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Just a small, yet, note-worthy update in my chronicled trek into the Echole cables ecosystem.

I just received another Limited Edition Series 2 (LE-2) power cable this past Monday (now 6-days ago). Kerem and his team were great to work with (once again). Upon receiving the LE-2, it was promptly deployed into my system, and is now powering my custom DAC. The sonic uplift out of the gate (and for the entire week) has been very appreciable, taking my system definitely to new a new "high-water-mark" plateau. My system is sounding better (and more real) than ever before. Here are my initial listening notes (pardon the grammar):

"With this Echole LE-2 pc now employed in my system (powering my DAC), my system's sound is now conveying: more information, detail, and just plain more MUSIC; but not in your face, as the sound envelope is now easier for the ear/brain mechanism. The extremes show-up with better resolution (e.g., the highs extend further, yet sound "easier" and more resolved; and the bass is deeper, with better clarity and resolution). The mid-band sounds more sonically "purer", now stripped of a thin veneer of haze (previous unknown "sonic blockage"). The sonic spectrum (from bottom to top) has more intra-delineation and accuracy, more layering in the music. Timbre is more accurate, believable, and ultimately "realer". I am really enjoying it. It is just what my system needed. There are no peaks or hot-spots, it is very even-handed and coherent, and the music just FLOWS. More music is seen (heard) in the time-and-space tapestry; background instruments have more prominence; PRaT and musical snap and verve are greater. Voices sound more real, more emotion, more human touch. There is just more "there" there, and the entire musical performance is more holistic."

At this time, I only have about 35-hours of actual "play-time" on this new PC, and it has already indicated that it will begin its anticipated "roller-coaster" break-in pattern soon. In my limited experience with Echole cables (and only in my system), it seems my Echole cables take about 550-hours to fully relent and finally settle-in. YMMV.

This cable just really blends in seamlessly with the existing Echole cables I have in-place, and the sonic outcome of this new PC insertion is just a very "natural" uplift of the new whole. This is my third Echole LE-2 power cable to date, and my "partial" loom of Echole cables is gaining greater residency in my system as my partial Echole loom expands ever-so-gradually. Echole cables are really very special (IMHO), and fundamental to my system. I am already looking forward to my next Echole acquisitions (perhaps next would be Echole Omnia-2 PC's).

Side note: Originally, I did have a small concern (almost a slight hesitation) about Rhodium metal being introduced into my system (via the Furutech Rhodium NCF connectors Echole's top cables employ), however, I now feel that with three Echole LE-2 pc's in place, the sound is so natural that my concern is now fully extinguished.

One pattern that has repeatedly revealed itself (to me) using Echole cables is: every time I add an Echole cable to my system, I get a metaphorical component upgrade, and the overall sound of my system elevates to a better, realer, more humane place (and a higher plateau). As they say YMMV, and, "Every day is a school day".

A fascinating journey! Thank you for continuing to post.
Just a small, yet, note-worthy update in my chronicled trek into the Echole cables ecosystem.

I just received another Limited Edition Series 2 (LE-2) power cable this past Monday (now 6-days ago). Kerem and his team were great to work with (once again). Upon receiving the LE-2, it was promptly deployed into my system, and is now powering my custom DAC. The sonic uplift out of the gate (and for the entire week) has been very appreciable, taking my system definitely to new a new "high-water-mark" plateau. My system is sounding better (and more real) than ever before. Here are my initial listening notes (pardon the grammar):

"With this Echole LE-2 pc now employed in my system (powering my DAC), my system's sound is now conveying: more information, detail, and just plain more MUSIC; but not in your face, as the sound envelope is now easier for the ear/brain mechanism. The extremes show-up with better resolution (e.g., the highs extend further, yet sound "easier" and more resolved; and the bass is deeper, with better clarity and resolution). The mid-band sounds more sonically "purer", now stripped of a thin veneer of haze (previous unknown "sonic blockage"). The sonic spectrum (from bottom to top) has more intra-delineation and accuracy, more layering in the music. Timbre is more accurate, believable, and ultimately "realer". I am really enjoying it. It is just what my system needed. There are no peaks or hot-spots, it is very even-handed and coherent, and the music just FLOWS. More music is seen (heard) in the time-and-space tapestry; background instruments have more prominence; PRaT and musical snap and verve are greater. Voices sound more real, more emotion, more human touch. There is just more "there" there, and the entire musical performance is more holistic."

At this time, I only have about 35-hours of actual "play-time" on this new PC, and it has already indicated that it will begin its anticipated "roller-coaster" break-in pattern soon. In my limited experience with Echole cables (and only in my system), it seems my Echole cables take about 550-hours to fully relent and finally settle-in. YMMV.

This cable just really blends in seamlessly with the existing Echole cables I have in-place, and the sonic outcome of this new PC insertion is just a very "natural" uplift of the new whole. This is my third Echole LE-2 power cable to date, and my "partial" loom of Echole cables is gaining greater residency in my system as my partial Echole loom expands ever-so-gradually. Echole cables are really very special (IMHO), and fundamental to my system. I am already looking forward to my next Echole acquisitions (perhaps next would be Echole Omnia-2 PC's).

Side note: Originally, I did have a small concern (almost a slight hesitation) about Rhodium metal being introduced into my system (via the Furutech Rhodium NCF connectors Echole's top cables employ), however, I now feel that with three Echole LE-2 pc's in place, the sound is so natural that my concern is now fully extinguished.

One pattern that has repeatedly revealed itself (to me) using Echole cables is: every time I add an Echole cable to my system, I get a metaphorical component upgrade, and the overall sound of my system elevates to a better, realer, more humane place (and a higher plateau). As they say YMMV, and, "Every day is a school day".

I find Rhodium to be clinical sounding and have banished it from my system. The ETI Legato gold plated AC connectors are the best sounding I've heard - to my ears clearly superior to the Furutech NCF. I have replaced the stock Oyaide connectors on my Echole Omnia PC with the ETI, and would do the same if I owned the LE-2.
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Greetings @Cellcbern

Your message of caution is warranted, based on reports of yours and several other experienced members who have tried Rhodium in their systems. Thank you for your valuable reports and observations; and for the supplemental information on changing connectors with suggestions of you preferences. It is great to provide alternate solutions for those who desire or need it. Your experience and data-points can prove valuable to many.

In my case, the Rhodium connectors have not been an issue (in my system) that I can detect. In my limited experience, all Echole cables do take an inherently long time to fully break-in (e.g., in my experience, about 550-hours on average), and they exhibit their own "roller-coster ride" through that period. During that period, the system can be dis-tasteful to listen to at times. As you know, Rhodium also has a reputation (from many users) for taking a very long time to finally settle in, and reportedly can be unpleasant at times. My experience with Rhodium is limited (with just 3 power cables now), but I do humbly suggest for folks to give all (any) new cables** ample time (e.g., 1.5 - 2 months ?) to completely settle before making any final "sonic" judgement. Obviously, some of the results "experienced" may be system, room, and preferences dependent. As they say, YMMV.


** For context in this paragraph, "new cables" would also include new connectors, and, new outlets. These reportedly can also take a long time to settle-in as well.
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i have some echole cables and i want to add echole obsession to my ypsilon phethon.
what do you think?
Greetings @ofer58, and welcome to WBF.

I have also been on a journey learning about Echole cables. I began my journey several years ago, and have been building a small loom for my system during that time. I really like what the Echole cables do for my system - according to my personal preferences of course. In my limited experience, I would suggest you start with the "Signature" level cabling, where I believe the magic (metallurgy technology) really begins. For reference, visit the Echole website to see all the levels of cables offered in their product portfolio.

I may be able to provide some topical observations from my limited experience, however, I suggest you contact your local Echole representative for expert advice and guidance.

Nice integrated amplifier. Which Echole cables do you currently have employed? It looks like you have Marten speakers, too (per your photo). Nice!

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Greetings @ofer58, and welcome to WBF.

I have also been on a journey learning about Echole cables. I began my journey several years ago, and have been building a small loom for my system during that time. I really like what the Echole cables do for my system - according to my personal preferences of course. In my limited experience, I would suggest you start with the "Signature" level cabling, where I believe the magic (metallurgy technology) really begins. For reference, visit the Echole website to see all the levels of cables offered in their product portfolio.

I may be able to provide some topical observations from my limited experience, however, I suggest you contact your local Echole representative for expert advice and guidance.

Nice integrated amplifier. Which Echole cables do you currently have employed? It looks like you have Marten speakers, too (per your photo). Nice!

so far i have obsession speaker cables
obsession xlr and signature power on the msb reference
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i've added signature power cable to the ypsilon.
how much is the burn in time?
Greetings @ofer58,

Congratulations. How are things sounding upon insertion of the Signature pc in your Ypsilon?

From my personal experience with the few Echole cables employed in my system, the sonic uplift upon insertion will sound great for the first 50-hours, and this will be a very good indicator of where the sound will eventually land; but, then around 70-hours the cable will begin a "roller coaster" break-in cycle lasting until I hit about 550-hours (in my system). There may be a period of time during the break-in cycle where your system may be distasteful to listen to, but hang in there for the 550-hour mark, where upon the treble balances back out and the bass returns in full flesh.

In your system, your break-in experience may be different; so, I can't say for sure how your break-in will go, but my break-in experience with Echole cables so far has been pretty consistant in my system. YMMV.

Hope this helps.

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Greetings @ofer58,

Congratulations. How are things sounding upon insertion of the Signature pc in your Ypsilon?

From my personal experience with Echole cables employed in my system, the sonic uplift upon insertion will sound great for the first 50-hours, and this will be an indicator of where the sound will eventually land; but, then around 70-hours the cable will begin a "roller coaster" break-in cycle lasting until I hit about 550-hours (in my system). There may be a period of time during the break-in cycle where your system may be distasteful to listen to, but hang in there for the 550-hour mark, where upon the treble balances back out and the bass returns in full flesh.

In your system, your break-in experience may be different; so, I can't say for sure how your break-in will go, but my break-in experience with Echole cables so far has been pretty consistant in my system. YMMV.

Hope this helps.

so far i can say that the sound become more airy and the bass become less congested.
the shunyata alpha can't compete with the echole
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Greetings all, just a brief update in my ongoing "cable chronicle" series:

Kindly pardon the latency (i.e., long silence) since my last Echole "Cable Chronicle" entry, as I have been going through a large logistical change over the last 3-months, due to a change in GEO. We have moved from the USA back to Europe (France).

In summary, I disassembled and "packed-up" my audio system on March-31 for our international mover's "pick-up", which subsequently occurred on April-27. After a long sea voyage, our items have finally arrived to our climate-controlled storage unit 3-weeks ago, on Thursday, July-06. I have not been able to inspect the contents of all the electronics and speakers yet for internal damage (what is called "derangement"), but, fingers crossed everything has arrived safely in its OEM packaging. I will be able to inspect each item (i.e., component) in mid-August, when I am hoping to set the system back up.

To prepare for this new GEO (and the domestic voltage change, going from 120v to 230v ), the system will also be receiving the following concurrent nominal adjustments or enhancements:

  • My Equitech 1.5Q Balanced LPS (originally manufactured for 115v environment) has been upgraded to an Equitech 2Q model, and made to operate for 230v. This change-over required the installation of a new 2kVA transformer to enable compatibility in the 230v ecosystem. The team at Equitech was great to work with. Thank you, Equitech..!

  • All the other "electronic components" in my system have been designed to be "manually switchable" and compliant to operate in either 115v or 230v, via their internal user-selectable switches while "in the field". However, to accommodate the new incoming voltage of 230v, I will have to change my 8 fuses in my system to lower values for the "higher" incoming domestic voltage. For this fuse value change-over, I would like to thanks the folks at Entracte Audio and Parts Connexion (both of these dealers are located in Canada) for their guidance and repeated professionalism getting the correct fuses ID'ed and procured.

  • I will be employing a new Schuko style Furutech FP-SWS-D (G) double outlet. I will review with my electrician if it will be possible to run a dedicated power cable directly from my breaker panel to this new outlet pair, feasibility and funding withstanding.

  • Concurrently, I have also upgraded my Symposium Acoustics platforms with 7-sets (21 pieces) of Grade 2.5 Superballs. Thank you to Peter and the folks at Symposium, once again!

  • My ISP here will now deliver Fibre Optics into my house, and the inbound Fibre outlet will land adjacent my stereo, where I will use their fibre sourced Modem, which will be DC powered by one leg of my existing Uptone Audio JS-2 LPS.

  • And lastly, I will be adding one more Echole LE-2 power cable (my fourth LE-2 PC) to my maturing Echole cable loom, which will be deployed to my Innuos Zenith Mk 3 streamer/server, once I set-up the system. Thank you once again to Kerem and the international team at Echole, who have been there every step of the way. No surprises, as they have been very reliable and great to work with once again.

All of the above items will be deployed once my next space is ready, sometime in mid to late August (fingers crossed) after some small renovations in our next home have been completed.

After the system is "up and running" next month (if nothing was broken during shipping), it will take another approximate 550-hours for all the new items above to "break-in" ("settle-in"). I will make a few nominal updates in the future along the way when possible.

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