Greetings, and Happy New Year, WBF'ers..!
UPDATE: I can finally report an update of my continued personal trek into the Echole cables ecosystem, as the scent of the trail (in my pursuit) just picked back up. It has been just over 12-months** since my last Echole acquisition (see thread starting back in December, 2020), however, on Monday (Jan-10), I took possession (and inserted) two long awaited Echole "Limited Edition 2" (LE-2) power cables into key positions in my system. A very exciting day here, indeed. With these two PC's now inserted, this is my first opportunity to hear a "partial" Echole loom. These 2 new PC's now compliment my 3 previous pairs of Echole "Signature" signal interconnects, and Echole "Limited Edition 1" (LE-1) speaker cables and jumpers.
Use case: Before I get into the sound, I would like to lightly describe my atypical system requirements, and the "key" areas chosen for these two PC's to be deployed/employed. My system requires 7 mains (3 for the digital Innuos kit & 4 for the audio kit), which ALL plug into my Equitech 1.5Q, which now makes 8 mains. Plus, 2 more mains for my Audio Physic Luna Sub and Uptone Audio JS-2 LPS, and so the grand total is actually 10 mains. For this vast distribution, Kerem and I reviewed and agreed the best two places to deploy them are: insert 1 for the Blue Circle NSC PreAmp; and the other into the Equitech 1.5Q balanced power supply, which is the power source for all 7 playback components. If helpful, see the red font in the system FLOW image below:

Enter the Echole LE-2 PC's. These PC's were promptly inserted and replaced two trusty PC's that have served us well; however, the synergy of these two new LE-2 PC's absolutely take our system to a new sphere. With just a few days of play time, here are my initial listening notes and impressions:
"Tone and timbre have a true clarity, richness, and rightness (weight, density, and resolution) during sound inception, rise, propagation and decay. There is a new-found depth into which you can hear into the micro transient rise time without any (of the previously undetected) blur when the music envelope surges in amplitude (dB). It is quite amazing (even emotionally thrilling). I did not anticipate to discover this newfound resolution. As the typical X, Y, Z dimensions have all improved, it feels like this new clarity is in the "t" dimension (time dimension) when the envelope propagation accelerates during transient rise times. [If I can attempt to describe better with my limited knowledge, it feels like: the completeness and coherency of the music stays fully intact during moments when the wave propagation of the sound envelope 'accelerates' (or increases) during dynamic bursts, enabling much more information, clarity and body in these crucial transient moments (which is almost all the time in music). The sound envelope now arrives (counter intuitively) softer to the ear, yet clearer, with none of the previous blur (i.e., distortion).] The frequency spectrum is even, with no peaks or hotspots; music is FLOWING, full of dynamics, micro-detail, and instrumental ambience; and, everything appears in space with clarity out of 'deep darkness'. Everything is quieter, but there is more 'there' there; and at the same time, the music is cohesively more rhythmic and together. PRaT is significantly better: more foot tapping, lyric, and melodic. There is more "life" in the soundscape. The feeling of completeness and connection to the music is much deeper.
Specific example: Bill Evan's piano (and his Trio) just sounds right - it's just clearer and more enveloping into my space (room). Complete tone and timbre have emerged, and the composition is more solid and in focus. His recording sounds.... dense, clear, full, and a complete musical and emotional conveyance emerges out of a dark space. I just noticed even Bill's spoken voice is less nasally than before, and more wholistic (there is some authentic nasal still there, but it is less "strident"). The high notes (e.g., snare drum and brushes) are clearly present - crisper, tighter, and more available in the soundscape; the mids are cleaner and clearer (with no loss of density); and the bass information and musicality also received another strong uplift - they are much more present and engaging. Everything is in balance. The musical envelope just 'breathes' more life.
I believe part of the new-found wholeness now conveyed is due to the intrinsic synergy of having this "partial" Echole loom - which together now reveals a greater whole. It is really special (to my ears!). A revelation!"
So, here is my Echole recap to date:
- Interconnects: check! Magnificent
- Sub Cables: check! Amazing
- Speaker Cables: check! Majestic
- Power Cables: Revelation!
I am now a convert in the loom theory, if you are with the "right loom" for your kit, room, and personal preferences. This has been my unique experience, and as they say, YMMV.
On a side note: I would like to thank Kerem and the Echole representatives across several geographic locations that have really helped me out over the last year. As I said previously, I am not affiliated with Echole. I am just a fellow traveler, and a very satisfied Echole customer.
I hope this chronicle of my personal trek will help other embarking on their journey and pursuits.
Please continue to be well and safe.
** Footnote: During this hiatus, I have been busy with a few other important system additions/updates since my original report, including (in sequential order):
* Uptone Audio eRegen & JS-2 LPS
* Innuos PhoenixNET
* Mundorf Ag/Au DC cables
* JMR Orfeo Jubile speakers (replacing my 18-year old JMR Offrande Mk. IV monitors)
* Triode Wire Labs Freedom ethernet and Digital America PC's
* Shunyata Omega USB cable
UPDATE: I can finally report an update of my continued personal trek into the Echole cables ecosystem, as the scent of the trail (in my pursuit) just picked back up. It has been just over 12-months** since my last Echole acquisition (see thread starting back in December, 2020), however, on Monday (Jan-10), I took possession (and inserted) two long awaited Echole "Limited Edition 2" (LE-2) power cables into key positions in my system. A very exciting day here, indeed. With these two PC's now inserted, this is my first opportunity to hear a "partial" Echole loom. These 2 new PC's now compliment my 3 previous pairs of Echole "Signature" signal interconnects, and Echole "Limited Edition 1" (LE-1) speaker cables and jumpers.
Use case: Before I get into the sound, I would like to lightly describe my atypical system requirements, and the "key" areas chosen for these two PC's to be deployed/employed. My system requires 7 mains (3 for the digital Innuos kit & 4 for the audio kit), which ALL plug into my Equitech 1.5Q, which now makes 8 mains. Plus, 2 more mains for my Audio Physic Luna Sub and Uptone Audio JS-2 LPS, and so the grand total is actually 10 mains. For this vast distribution, Kerem and I reviewed and agreed the best two places to deploy them are: insert 1 for the Blue Circle NSC PreAmp; and the other into the Equitech 1.5Q balanced power supply, which is the power source for all 7 playback components. If helpful, see the red font in the system FLOW image below:

Enter the Echole LE-2 PC's. These PC's were promptly inserted and replaced two trusty PC's that have served us well; however, the synergy of these two new LE-2 PC's absolutely take our system to a new sphere. With just a few days of play time, here are my initial listening notes and impressions:
"Tone and timbre have a true clarity, richness, and rightness (weight, density, and resolution) during sound inception, rise, propagation and decay. There is a new-found depth into which you can hear into the micro transient rise time without any (of the previously undetected) blur when the music envelope surges in amplitude (dB). It is quite amazing (even emotionally thrilling). I did not anticipate to discover this newfound resolution. As the typical X, Y, Z dimensions have all improved, it feels like this new clarity is in the "t" dimension (time dimension) when the envelope propagation accelerates during transient rise times. [If I can attempt to describe better with my limited knowledge, it feels like: the completeness and coherency of the music stays fully intact during moments when the wave propagation of the sound envelope 'accelerates' (or increases) during dynamic bursts, enabling much more information, clarity and body in these crucial transient moments (which is almost all the time in music). The sound envelope now arrives (counter intuitively) softer to the ear, yet clearer, with none of the previous blur (i.e., distortion).] The frequency spectrum is even, with no peaks or hotspots; music is FLOWING, full of dynamics, micro-detail, and instrumental ambience; and, everything appears in space with clarity out of 'deep darkness'. Everything is quieter, but there is more 'there' there; and at the same time, the music is cohesively more rhythmic and together. PRaT is significantly better: more foot tapping, lyric, and melodic. There is more "life" in the soundscape. The feeling of completeness and connection to the music is much deeper.
Specific example: Bill Evan's piano (and his Trio) just sounds right - it's just clearer and more enveloping into my space (room). Complete tone and timbre have emerged, and the composition is more solid and in focus. His recording sounds.... dense, clear, full, and a complete musical and emotional conveyance emerges out of a dark space. I just noticed even Bill's spoken voice is less nasally than before, and more wholistic (there is some authentic nasal still there, but it is less "strident"). The high notes (e.g., snare drum and brushes) are clearly present - crisper, tighter, and more available in the soundscape; the mids are cleaner and clearer (with no loss of density); and the bass information and musicality also received another strong uplift - they are much more present and engaging. Everything is in balance. The musical envelope just 'breathes' more life.
I believe part of the new-found wholeness now conveyed is due to the intrinsic synergy of having this "partial" Echole loom - which together now reveals a greater whole. It is really special (to my ears!). A revelation!"
So, here is my Echole recap to date:
- Interconnects: check! Magnificent
- Sub Cables: check! Amazing
- Speaker Cables: check! Majestic
- Power Cables: Revelation!
I am now a convert in the loom theory, if you are with the "right loom" for your kit, room, and personal preferences. This has been my unique experience, and as they say, YMMV.
On a side note: I would like to thank Kerem and the Echole representatives across several geographic locations that have really helped me out over the last year. As I said previously, I am not affiliated with Echole. I am just a fellow traveler, and a very satisfied Echole customer.
I hope this chronicle of my personal trek will help other embarking on their journey and pursuits.
Please continue to be well and safe.
** Footnote: During this hiatus, I have been busy with a few other important system additions/updates since my original report, including (in sequential order):
* Uptone Audio eRegen & JS-2 LPS
* Innuos PhoenixNET
* Mundorf Ag/Au DC cables
* JMR Orfeo Jubile speakers (replacing my 18-year old JMR Offrande Mk. IV monitors)
* Triode Wire Labs Freedom ethernet and Digital America PC's
* Shunyata Omega USB cable
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