Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne loudspeakers

Audio_Karma, are you looking at the same gear that I am....this guy owns a CAT Legend, JL 2 Signature, a TW Raven AC and a Wadia 861...none of these pieces are "bargain basement", IMHO.
Sure he mentions that he took a listen with a Exposure 2012S2, but in what context??
To be clear, I'm NOT saying these speakers are in any way bad, particularly for the money being asked...just that they can be bettered by other speakers that are out there....including the other up-line
speakers in the EA line ( or is that not true, JTinn..;) ) One just has to be able to hear what they can do, but perhaps more importantly what they cannot do.:D

I believe he's telling us about a $1200 integrated amp he's using in his "other system" here.

Are you talking these speakers on up the EA line?

http://www.stereomojo.com/CES 2011 Show Report.htm/CES2011ShowReportPart5.htm
And many others...not just specifically up the EA line. Although those would qualify. OTOH, IF we're just talking price here...then like I said before, the MM1's are a tough act..price independent...not so much.
And many others...not just specifically up the EA line. Although those would qualify. OTOH, IF we're just talking price here...then like I said before, the MM1's are a tough act..price independent...not so much.

But... if you add a subwoofer or two with the MM Micro Ones it's a whole different ball game then....
I believe he's telling us about a $1200 integrated amp he's using in his "other system" here.

Are you talking these speakers on up the EA line?

http://www.stereomojo.com/CES 2011 Show Report.htm/CES2011ShowReportPart5.htm

Hello Folks,

The equipment posted on my info page is my main system which I have been using at home in the USA prior to my arrival in Japan for a 2 year assignment. As this gear is large and heavy, since I didn't want to deal with re-configuring the power supplies, and since my room is smaller here, I began to construct my Tokyo-system. I did bring over my analog front end, so that has been the same. So I purchased the Exposure 2012S2 integrated and the MMMicro one speakers for thsi smaller system. I use Audiance Au24e speaker cable.

I have posted on Audiogon about the issue of these speakers having been shown with expensive Dartzeel gear at shows. See link below.


Improvments in downstream components can yield surprising improvements overall. So replacing a mediocre speaker with a great speaker, even with an inexpensive front end, can yield big improvements. You have probably heard that old saying that you should spend as much money on the speakers, and then the electronics. I agree with this...many inexpensive receivers and front ends are actually better than you might think. That is because the overall performance will be based more on how good the downstream components are.

I can say that with the Exposure and MM-1, I'm hearing a lot of great music. The MM-1 is truly a wonderful speaker. They are very dynamic, detailed and clear/transparent sounding. I only have maybe about 10 hours on them. I'll report more on break-un with time.

Newbie here...what is this plug you speak of? Mine never came with any. And the port foam look like they are glued on.

Thx in advance.

Unplugged. Better plugged?

Hi Gary,

Tampering or removing the foam lining in the port will actually de-tune the entire system. Not only will it cause the bass frequency response to drop off 10Hz higher, but it will also cut the efficiency of the port output as well, causing a considerable drop in bass output overall and dramatically affecting bass frequency linearity. During break-in, it may be appealing, but we recommend leaving it in for the above reasons.
Newbie here...what is this plug you speak of? Mine never came with any. And the port foam look like they are glued on.

Thx in advance.


Hi Hedwig,

The port foam is what is being discussed.

Hedgehog's original picture of his port showed a circular piece of foam in the port in addition to the sleeve, hence the confusion. My guess is that the circular piece of foam should have been removed before shipping....true?
Hi HedgeHog!

Welcome to the forums :)

Hi Joe...thx for the welcome. Looking forward to learnign (and admiring) lots from everyone! :)

Hi Hedwig,

The port foam is what is being discussed.

Hi Jonathan...thx for the comfirmation. I thought so but wasn't sure when he kept on insisting the removal of the "plug".


Hedgehog's original picture of his port showed a circular piece of foam in the port in addition to the sleeve, hence the confusion. My guess is that the circular piece of foam should have been removed before shipping....true?

Hi RBFLETCH...sorry my original pix made does not clearly separate the side wall foam from the front edge; making it look plugged. It's just a foam-lined port. I've added better pix to clarify.

So far, I really like these speakers...they sound slightly warmer than the 802Di but need to open up a bit more to make the sound more expansive. But still, they are excellent! Good work, JT and KM!


You are so right! I went back and relooked at the pictures and saw I was mistaken about the phantom plug.....sorry. BTW, I'm looking forward to commenting on my MMM1's after some more breakin, but I would like to point out some features that have not been mentioned. These have to be the most WAF friendly speakers out there. They almost disappear in the room especially with the grills on when viewed head-on. They are only 6" wide with sides that flare out to 7". The fit and finish is georgeous. The stands have a mounting feature that enhances speaker isolation. The plinths are a casting and as such, have some pits and dings, but I found you quickly don't even notice those slight inperfections. So the stands solve the mounting challenge very nicely...who likes shopping for stands anyway!
Just a note that I loaded my stand risers with #8 lead shot that I got from a gun enthusiast friend of mine. I also bought a pair of ankle weights containing lead shot that I wrapped around the bottom of the risers to increase the stand mass by about 20 lbs. I found clarity improved, particularly in the bass. I also have the stands sitting on Star Sound Sistrum stands, the ones with spikes pointing up and down. I find that with about 10 hours on my speakers that on turn-on the sound is small and undynamic, but after about one LP side the soundstage opens up and images lock in like no other speaker I have heard in my room, and dynamics are terrific. I am guessing that this warmup time will decrease as the speakers break in.
Just a note that I loaded my stand risers with #8 lead shot that I got from a gun enthusiast friend of mine. I also bought a pair of ankle weights containing lead shot that I wrapped around the bottom of the risers to increase the stand mass by about 20 lbs. I found clarity improved, particularly in the bass. I also have the stands sitting on Star Sound Sistrum stands, the ones with spikes pointing up and down. I find that with about 10 hours on my speakers that on turn-on the sound is small and undynamic, but after about one LP side the soundstage opens up and images lock in like no other speaker I have heard in my room, and dynamics are terrific. I am guessing that this warmup time will decrease as the speakers break in.

I took the bags containing lead shot out of my ankle weights and put four of them under my Yamaha a-s2000 integrated amp and let it settle-in good for a month or so and my amp now sounds like a much more expensive integrated now!

I now have bags of lead shot under all my audio and video gear.

You might want try putting four bags under each speaker stand and see what you think after a month or so.
Has anyone heard the MMMicroOne with electronics other than what we have always heard them played rather than $85K of cable, amps and preamps etc.

When I heard the speaker on many occasions it was always played with electronics and cabling that almost certainly will never be used with it. Using these electronics the speaker was magnificent for $2500 but honestly I would like to hear from others who have the speaker and are running electronics consistant with the cost of the speaker

Steve, I listened to a pair of Micros Friday night with the new BMC integrated, and an Oppo BD player with some modest priced MIT cables and ic's. It was almost shocking on how great the sound was. I thought the sound was as good or better than what remembered hearing at CES last year.
Steve, I listened to a pair of Micros Friday night with the new BMC integrated, and an Oppo BD player with some modest priced MIT cables and ic's. It was almost shocking on how great the sound was. I thought the sound was as good or better than what remembered hearing at CES last year.

Jonathan will be running BMC amps this year at RMAF

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