The best present I got myself this new year was not an audiophile gadget, but a Life Fitness treadmill. I used to run outside on a regular basis, but as I got older, and the weather started to feel colder, I finally took the plunge, and got a treadmill. The one I got is a beefy Gym level professional treadmill, the kind you can pound on all day if you want. But, hey, you need music as you exercise, right? I tried the AirPods, but they kept falling off.
So, I got myself a McAire, a McIntosh beefy 30 pound beastie with those awesome blue meters. So, now I can run on my treadmill to the sound of music and watch those dancing blue meters.

So, I got myself a McAire, a McIntosh beefy 30 pound beastie with those awesome blue meters. So, now I can run on my treadmill to the sound of music and watch those dancing blue meters.