Investing smartly in the future is a global affair; all countries, all leading investors.
What is the main common goal of all Earth's population? Be a Hollywood star, a successful engineer, a family unit, surviving, be happy, healthy, wealthy, ...?
Survival ...
Guys like Elon Musk (Tesla/EV, solar energy, SpaceX, ...) are some of our natural leaders on the right path, where we can all invest to prosper in good health...survival.
Forest/Bush/Brush management, reforestation, water management, Amazon protection, ...all positive jobs for our children's children survival. Getting rid of all drugs dealers, guns out of easy access to kids, and put people into good work...planet management.
China is a beautiful country with amazing landscapes and forests and mountains. Chinese people can create the next wonders of Earth, by balancing it's infrastructure between urban and country scapes. Trees absorb CO2, clean nuclear fusion energy they can build, EV are in their ideal environment, and batteries need to be cleanly renewable.
I think we can all get there in peace exercising and sharing for our common survival.
Not just China; India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.
Spread the solid financial investments beneficial for the environment by buying shares quarterly every year till we can all better breathe and get rid of the cancer we inherit from past mistakes.
It's not a game, it's our survival @ risk, our number one main priority.
I don't know Steve, in those lines.