Hi guys; thanks for posting these comments. Perhaps you might be able to advise me on the following:
Subject: Radian 745Be + Altec 416-8B: Midrange vs HF Extension. Best Horn for "You Are There" Sound?
Troy Crowe tested my Altec 416s here.
I don’t have enough know-how and my day job affords me no learning time to design the horn/driver EQ and crossover myself, so I thought of shipping my pair of Radian 745NeoBe with 3” diameter diaphragms for Troy to use with these midwoofers and one of these two horns.
Or alternately
I know that some have used the 745Be drivers with passive or active EQ to get extension out to ~ 17kHz, to achieve a two-way system. But is the penalty for getting that extension-using any of these horns-having to cross above what Troy said is the Altec 416’s ideal of 500Hz? That is, would crossing at ~ 700Hz introduce some kind of coloration or other midrange aberrations?
If yes, how much HF extension would I need to sacrifice to cross the RadianBe 3” with the Altecs at 500Hz?
Would I then get a much more natural better sounding midrange?
Lastly, which of the three horns used with the 745Be would most likely deliver a "You Are There", rather than a “They Are Here” sound?
Would the ES290 and the 4001 horns do so equally as well?