I don't think that most audiophiles are in the market for humbling experiences.
In 2007 I bought a music server.
I simply ripped a couple of tracks to WAV, FLAC and 256, 192, 128 MP3.
I didn’t hear a difference between WAV and FLAC as expected
With decreasing bit rate the sound was getting worse. Even 256 was obvious down, an apparent loss of inner detail as expected.
I decided to rip to FLAC (lucky me).
On the Hifidelio forum, someone said that there is no audible difference between FLAC and 256. I protested, I had heard these differences myself.
Instead of a flare, we decided on a blind testing.
I supplied a couple of tracks and another guy converted them to various MP3 flavors and converted them back to WAV.
Not a single visible clue (dam…).
Comparing 128 with the original was easy, 192 difficult and with 256 I was completely at loss. The advantage of a unsighted test is that nobody can see that you are cheating.
I tried auCDtect. It turned out to be like me, a failure when distinguishing between the original and a 256.
In the end I was complimented with my almost perfect score (a very lucky guesser obvious) and had to answer questions about how to discern between the original and MP3…….
Lessons learned:
- do your testing sighted, it really improves your score…..
- high bit rate MP3 is like magic, throw out 90% to maintain 99% quality