Everyone here is an audiot
Great minds think alike, only you put it more nicely.
Everyone here is an audiot
Great minds think alike, only you put it more nicely.
How did the wife guess that everyone needs help to know if there were bits somewhere along the remastering and cutting process of new vinyl?
Perhaps it's obvious, but the key message of that first comic isn't just that some of us are certain in our perspectives, or have trouble admitting error, or difficulty in maintaining an open mind. It's that we ALL do, albeit, in varying degree.
True on its face value but the conflict enters when one tries to justify ones position based on facts and truth, which is a very fungible topic these days depending on ones perspective.
Facts are not really a matter of perspective.
Really? Did you sleep through our recent elections?
Facts are not really a matter of perspective. Facts can be falsified, in which case they are no longer facts. Facts can aslo be presented without their proper context, against which logical analysis and critical thinking skills serve as protection. These problems have become rampant because our institutions intended to guard against them have become corrupted. Our educational system does not focus on teaching critical thinking, and our news press is only interested in increasing their profits. Not to mention the corruption of our governing institutions, and even our religious ones. Truth can be a matter of perspective, but is more an philosophical concept, yet truth is also subject to logical analysis and critical thinking. Such cognitive skills are the basis for nearly everey philosophical search for, and examination of, the truth.
If I read you right, you seem to stipulate something like an absolute truth, to be arrived at by logic and critical thinking, as you say. I thought that since Kant it was shown, that such an animal simply is beyond our means. Very much like the "absolute sound " in audiophilia.
If I read you right, you seem to stipulate something like an absolute truth, to be arrived at by logic and critical thinking, as you say. I thought that since Kant it was shown, that such an animal simply is beyond our means. Very much like the "absolute sound " in audiophilia.
Ken said:"...Facts can be falsified, in which case they are no longer facts. Facts can also be presented without their proper context..."
I did not intend to convey that. I strongly disagree with the notion of Platonic forms. From which, authoritarian values come. As I wrote, truth can indeed be a matter of perspctive. However, that doesn't mean one's particular truth cannot be subjected to logic and reasoned analysis. It seems to me that one's truth should, at the least, hold up logically and rationally from within the perspective by which is was formed. It should be consistent with it's founding perspective and not logically contradictory with itself.
More vulnerable to critical examination than is some particular truth, formed by some particular perspective, is the formation of their persepctive itself. I often encounter people whose perspective is founded on false facts. Some particular truth may then actually be fully rational from that perspective, but if the perspective is built on falsity, the resulting truth is likely to be false.
Actually, mathematical truths are absolute. Sorry, Kant .
LOL, yes until they are falsified and many seem to be sort of aproximate. But then enlighten me, I was never good at math.
I did not intend to convey that. I strongly disagree with the notion of Platonic perfect forms. From which, authoritarian values come. As I wrote, truth can indeed be a matter of perspctive. However, that doesn't mean one's particular truth cannot be subjected to logic and reasoned analysis. It seems to me that one's truth should, at the least, hold up logically and rationally from the perspective in which is was formed. It should be consistent with it's founding perspective and not logically contradictory with itself.
More vulnerable to critical examination than is some particular truth, formed by some particular perspective, is the formation of their persepctive itself. I often encounter people whose perspective is founded on false facts. Some particular truth may then actually be fully rational from that perspective, but if the perspective is built on falsity, the resulting truth is likely to be false.