Fascinating, i had observed that there seem to be quite a high % of full Aries Cerat system owners...what % of single piece buyers end up going to full system (not necessarily in 6 months...just in total)?
If I can speak for my customer and prospect base; they all either already have or have the intention to go to a full AC system. They invariably find it all so compelling, as I once did (and still do)! It mostly takes quite a while as thus far only one of my customers went for the full range immediately, others know that it is their end game but do so as funds allow.
Just this weekend paid a visit with my installation to a prospect, just the Incito S preamp alone is making the customer wanting to sell his almost triple priced preamp highly talked about in this forum. He also intends to go for a full system. Once you heard it properly it seems to be a haunting experience...