* She is purely lovely, all the way, in & out, as a person and as an artist (musician/singer),
and she fits perfectly in my music bag. :b
More coverage. This time, from Dave Thomas, StereoTimes. About 3/4 of the way down.
"I usually diminish my expectations of what to expect when a system this size is displayed in the meager confines of a hotel room. But what I heard was actually very enjoyable and extremely well resolved. It was one of those rooms that I couldn't stop thinking about how much better it could sound in a much more suitable listening room… like mine."
We have a lot of technically astute members here and that's a good thing, A carpenter can build a house. Only a woman can make a home. An engineer can make some boxes but only music can make a stereo.
Don't Forget the Blues is one of the few blues shows left on radio. it's aired on weekdays from 12-1 pm M-F on WPFW 89.3 in DC. The name of the show is a tribute to its late host and creator Nap Turner. it also available over the internet at
i have not listened to Cleo Lane lately but I will check her out.