Our Borderland Mk IV loudspeakers recently received an excellent review in
Hi-Fi Voice, the leading audiophile magazine in the Czech Republic. It was written by their editor, Daniel Březina, a very experienced and knowledgeable writer. He was so impressed by the Borderlands that he gave them the
Hi-Fi Voice Reference Award.
The review is written in Czech, but if you open it in the Chrome browser it should display a passable English translation. You can find the review here:
Here are a few quotes. I have polished the English as the translation Chrome provided needed a bit of help
"The absence of multiple drivers provides amazing coherence, especially as the DDD driver has a speed close to that of an electrostatic driver."
"In any case, the music (at least at normal volume levels) has immense drive and at the same time enormous control – the German Physiks are a model of solidity. They behave almost like monitors – clear, self-evident, faithful and only minimally influencing or “slowing down” the musical events."
"The intensity of a horn loudspeaker, the physicality of the classic domes and cones and the brilliant speed of (almost) electrostatics, create an impressively lively and detailed experience."
"And the biggest advantage is of course the rather different presentation of space, which, compared to conventional designs (and actually most omnipolars we have encountered), simply expands. It really does expand – in front of and behind the cabinets, but also around them …"
"If you want “something different”, the Borderland Mk IVs are highly recommended, precisely for their fascinating and entertaining difference."
Best regards, Basile