I don't think digital is capable of "Symphonic Distortion" That's likely what he's referring to:
View attachment 24588
What is a "symphonic coloration"? I suppose what is meant here is "euphonic coloration".
I don't think digital is capable of "Symphonic Distortion" That's likely what he's referring to:
View attachment 24588
Bad sound? These are the type of statements that make people zealous about analog just not credible.
My digital rig (which doesn't cost $ 50K) does not sound "bad", this is ridiculous. It may not sound as good as SOTA analog, but it still sounds pretty darn good.
Revival of the analog vs digital debate for the zillionth time is really flogging a dead hoss.. those who prefer either are right.. there is no absolute audio truth.
As to room acoustics .. well that is where 95% of the systems I have heard in any environment fail dismally.
I was asked whether I would like to spend another Eu10 000 on a 2nd devialet my agent had in stock , he said it would improve the sound..I asked him , 10k on a 2nd amp for monoblocking or a total redo and treatment for my room of the same amount , which did he think would get the best results.. the amp idea went out the window
You HAVE to use dsp to sort out your room below 120hz or so , everything above that can be physically treated to great effect. bass is always the huge problem. Any boom masks the rest of the freq spectrum , hides subtle cues higher up and makes the system sound slow
I have a 500 sq ft fully treated dedicated room , I use a multipronged approach.. walls are all acoustic panels on battens , windows replaced with glass bricks , acoustic door , wooden slatted blinds over the brick windows , special ceiling , diffusion panels on ceiling , tube traps , flat corner straddling bass traps , configurable listening chair and so on
Bass is STILL a nightmare and I use 4 potent subs to try smooth it , a swarm approach , that works well ..HOWEVER I *still* have to use DSP to get it 100% right to integrate the subs and the mains as well etc and to define a target curve that sounds good to me.
If you are into analog and eschew digital in any form , well then you have a problem with bass unless you serendipitously luck on speaker/seat positioning/room /whatever that sort of works , and even if it does work , it cant work as well as a DSP'd setup.
How much is the Vivaldi you keep referring to?
Btw, w.r.t to Analog, it is more important for it to be well set up than be expensive. You will find some boring expensive analog rigs and some excellent sounding cheap ones. The difference being the set up. One of my fears of getting into Analog is I have zero experience in set up.
We don't sell and own dac so no hard felling on it. Rather than attacking certain products, based on components inside, it is better to send your called SOTA dac to Mike to compare with. We will gladly pay all expenses, seriously. Just PM us
Marty's room, which is the best room I have been in so far, and Steve Williams rates it and ddk's, has a Goldmund Studio TT (as well as an EMM Labs) going through a TacT which is after the preamp (the TacT recently broke down but that's a different story). His is also the best bass I have heard along with the trios and the bass horns.
I agree that set-up is crucially important, Peter A. demonstrated that to me.
However, I do think that, regardless of set-up, less than SOTA analog still has its problems, beginning with the phonostage (hearing the $ 45K Pass XS phono in Madfloyd's system was a stunning revelation to me, it showed the shortcomings of others). Less-than SOTA analog is just not for me, even though in many respects it can be "excellent sounding" indeed.
Haven't heard Marty's room yet. An oversight if there were ever a name for that.. Many who have gone in his room find it one of the best sound around period! Not the best "bass" only.. This is a testimony to the power of DSP judiciously applied. In this system whatever is played goes through a A to D then a D to A .. Everything. Many loathe DSP and digital with a passion, a trip to Marty's or similar system would convince more than one... My next step is along Rodney Gold and Dallas Justice's paths.
ASR emitter (used under 3k GBP), and next price points are Thoress (7k GBP new, said to beat 30k phonos). You don't have to buy Ypsilon or Dartzeel or AR 30k Phono.
Or an Audio Research REF 2 phono unit. Due to the SE and REF10 arrival, the used REF 2 become a true bargain!
Totally agree. Those who swear by equipment that measures great and is "accurate to the source" better get their room in line, because rooms tend to screw up their 'perfectly accurate' soundwaves. Otherwise their philosophy is just not credible. And yes, DSP can only correct so much. The physical distortions of soundwaves by rooms need to be prevented as much as possible by good old fashioned acoustic room treatment. If on top of that you want to apply DSP, fine, but it's no substitute.
I kinda have to shake my head when someone says that "excellent sounding" is not good enough.
its actually not *really* the room you are correcting , its the sound at listening position.. parametric 'tone" controls are one way , time and freq correction another .. the difference between a treated and untreated room is vast..to make the best out of your hifi spend add the room as a component
I kinda have to shake my head when someone says that "excellent sounding" is not good enough.
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