Gryphon North America

Down Under

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2014
Interesting developments on the Gryphon Audio Facebook page.
More to come I’m sure.
O'Hanlon did a really good job putting Gryphon on the US high-end audio map, now they have some visibility he gets shafted. I doubt it will lead to lower prices for US customers, lets hope they at least manage to set up decent service and repair facilities stateside. :rolleyes:
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O'Hanlon did a really good job putting Gryphon on the US high-end audio map, now they have some visibility he gets shafted. . . .

I adore Philip, both personally and professionally. He does a fantastic job of taking care of his clients and his dealers.

I adore Rune, both personally and professionally. I could not imagine a better person to select as CEO of Gryphon Audio NA.

I am sure this is a sensitive development on all sides.

What is your basis for the assertion that Philip got "shafted"? Have you read the relevant contract, and concluded that in your opinion, as a matter of contract law under the law of the jurisdiction under which such contract is interpreted, Gryphon has in some way breached such agreement?
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I adore Philip, both personally and professionally. I also adore Rune, both personally and professionally. I am sure this is a sensitive development on all sides.

What is your basis for the inflammatory suggestion that Philip got "shafted"? Have you read the relevant contract, and concluded that in your opinion, as a matter of contract law under the law of the jurisdiction under which such contract is interpreted, Gryphon has in some way breached such agreement?
I'm sure it is all perfectly legal Ron, he is still getting dumped ! I doubt he woke up one morning and decided not to represent Gryphon anymore, after all the hard work he has done for them until now. :rolleyes: I guess it is just the development of the audio business in this day and age. First the distributors die out, then the dealerships, and finally direct sales only with a little online marketing in forums and publications.
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. . . I doubt he woke up one morning and decided not to represent Gryphon anymore, after all the hard work he has done for them until now. :rolleyes:

On this I am sure you are correct.
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O'Hanlon did a really good job putting Gryphon on the US high-end audio map, now they have some visibility he gets shafted. I doubt it will lead to lower prices for US customers, lets hope they at least manage to set up decent service and repair facilities stateside. :rolleyes:
They should remove the distributor mark up on their products. If they do not, then it's a pure margin grab.
On that I am sure you are correct.
I personally have no knowledge of the inner workings however the rumors and innuendos that disparage one side or the other is really sad. None of us know the facts or the numbers. you know what they say about assuming :)
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They should remove the distributor mark up on their products. If they do not, then it's a pure margin grab.
And what are you dreaming of during the night?
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What are you dreaming during the night?
Dreaming about how to give better value to my business partners, distributors, retailers and consumers. Cutting a business partner that grew my business out and not providing better value to my customers would not be what I'm dreaming about.

I have sweet dreams....
It sure doesn't look very "friendly" towards all other participants except for Gryphon themselves and for their wallet.
Cutting out the middle man who placed the brand on the map is how it looks to me at least :rolleyes:
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I know zero about the personalities or the motivation behind this change. But one fact that seems to have been left out of the discussion is that Anthony Chiarella, who appears to have a long track record in the audio business, is taking over as the US rep. Whether he is "on staff" or a contractor for Gryphon, it's a fair bet he isn't working for nothing. "Changing the middleman" may be more accurate than "cutting out the middleman," and all it implies in terms of potentially leaving Gryphon US customers in the lurch.

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