Please list from memory, this is interesting. One current, I expect one kharma, the other your jbl, one living room Denon? Then?
Room 1 Klangfilm Bionor with the ML3's etc as you can see in the link below, with Lamm ML2s replacing the ML3s
Room 2 In rotation is various speakers but the JBL M9500's are the main ones
Living room is TAD Bass horn with Klangfilm horns, 2nd room is JBL Metrogon, mostly with the Denons but a few integrated SETs too.
In the Manhattan space there was one room for modern speakers, mostly Kharma & Wilson but there were other speakers in there that we took in trade, Lamm ML2/ML1/M1.1/M1.2/L1/L2, CEC transports wit WEISS, AN, Manley, ARC, Levinson DACs
Then we had the planar room with various Maggies, Quads, then vintage Quad, Apogee, KLH, Accoustat, and Beveridge. There were also various amplifiers along with the Lamms in this room
Corner horn music & theater room, Vitavox, JBL, Tannoy Autograph, Lamm electronics and Denon processors with Micro Seiki, Technics & Denon tts, Lamm, EAR and various vintage phono stages
Vintage speaker room, every JBL 43xx series, JBL Paragon, JBL Everest, Tannoy GRG & Autograph and Professional versions for both with Silver/Red or Gold Monitor drivers along with any other vintage ie, 40's to 70's vintage box speakers I had which included a lot of the Brit speakers too. Electronics were again mostly Lamm with ARC, Manley, CJ, AN, Levinson, Goldmund and battery powered Final Labs in rotation. Front was a Micro Seiki SZ-1 with CEC and WEISS digital
Main room was the Bionor as the main speaker all other Klangfilm horns including earlier field coils, some WE, early Altec & JBL theater systems too, electronics were all Lamm, EMT & AS tts, Revox & Studer tape decks. Also some Klangfilm, WE & Altec Push/Pull amps.
There was another room with in wall speakers of all kinds including vintage cinema ones but that was always a never ending project, did a lot of custom installs in those days too.