Ian's Horizon - mods and stuff

It is disappointing that it got moved to here… and hey, I think it is a very good addition to what people have known about Horizon, in a positive way!

Let's face it, DIY is not exactly the raison d'etre of this forum. Pulling apart an iconic product and revealing it's secret innards will not be put front and center.
Why did the photo of the dac board get removed?

That did not surprise me. Expensive TOTL products like the Horizon need to have some mystique about them. Revealing the digital innards and discussion about the cheap delta sigma DAC would not be looked on kindly by Lampizator.
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Let's face it, DIY is not exactly the raison d'etre of this forum. Pulling apart an iconic product and revealing it's secret innards will not be put front and center.
I don’t know how people look at it. I don’t feel there is any secret to be honest, lol… I mean, hifi brands don’t make chips, and going R2R may or may not be suitable for the sound it wants to achieve… It is relatively unrealistic to find a secret & unknown chip that is a ‘woohoo’.

You are probably right. Then it becomes funny how it has been handled…. A bit of overreacting, no?
My congratulations go out to Plasmod3 for his guts to tear into and perform surgery on such an expensive piece of gear.
Many of us will swap tubes or fuses or cables in an effort to improve the sound. So why not the inner components. Particularly if you have the knowledge and skill to do so.
Lukasz, of Lampizator, started many years ago by modifying numerous pieces of gear in attempts to improve the sound quality.
He then moved on to selling his own kit DAC's. I purchased one of the last kits that he offered, an L5/6. It was a very nice DAC.
He also included several sets of output capacitors for me to try. This was at the point of time when he was introducing his own labeled capacitors. I could hear differences in the different capacitor sets and settled on the "Lampizator" brand caps.
I bring this up to point out that what Ian is doing is no different than what Lukasz did/does.
VERY few have the knowledge, guts or confidence to perform the modifications that Ian is doing.
Thank you Ian for "Boldly going where no man has gone before" and for sharing your work.

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