since the last update, it is possible to read files on USB stick, has anyone tested ?
Is the SQ different than the USB file and the same file in streaming?
I recently move out, my system is still in boxes...
Playing files off a USB stick on the Pulsar is nothing more than a utility feature and certainly nothing to write home about SQwise.
Besides, only a handful of files can be read off the USB stick.
I have a 256GB USB stick with dozens of files and only the first few (ten or so) show up under Sense.
Same files played through a Roon server (I've tested with latest generation Nucleus) sound less "noisy" overall, but still have the Roon "sound signature".
The same files again but pulled direct from the web (Tidal or Quobuz) without a Roon server sound much better still.
Currently, (YMMV of course) in the scenarios I've tried, SQ hierarchy was:
1. Innuos Zen series used as server (local files stored there) w/h Innuos Sense - Pulsar in end point mode.
2. Innuos Pulsar without a server w/h Innuos Sense (NAS for local files) in standalone mode.
3. HQPlayer server (in custom DIY PC) - Innuos Pulsar as NAA
4. Roon server (Nucleus) - Innuos Pulsar in endpoint mode.
I have even noticed a SQ difference between running the Pulsar with or without Tidal or Quobuz integration (slightly better SQ without but a pita) but it may just as well have been audiophilia nervosa.
Unless somebody other than myself confirms it, that is...