I have written before about this subject, sharing KlausR views on it. I can understand what is written in these patents, but it does not explain how it sounds and why it sounds so. It mainly describes a topology or a particular way of doing things. This does not mean that the inventor does not know it, but it would be craziness to reveal the fundaments, that can not be patented.
Take a simple, almost childish high-end patent - George Cardas "Multi-strand conductor cable having its strands sized according to the golden section" US 4628151 A
https://www.google.com/patents/US4628151 I quote from it:
The cable disclosed herein contains a plurality of individual conductor strands which are designed to act as a single conductive element, even though each of the individual conductive strands within the cable is individually insulated. This is accomplished by providing for a common input to each conductive strand at one end of the cable and a similar single connection to each of the conductive strands at the output end of the cable. Although the phenomenon is not completely understood, employment of different sized individual conductive strands within the cable according to the predetermined golden section ratio produces significantly improved efficiency in the transmission of signals from one end of the cable to another when compared against prior art cables which do not employ this system.
Surely no one asked for listening tests or measurements to prove the
improved efficiency in the transmission of signal.
What is protected is the right to manufacture cables having a particular ratio - the called the golden section - between strand sizes. Anyone if free to manufacture cables with the same size strands!