Audiophilia is NOT a dying hobby.
Evidence of this sort of discussion can be found dating back to the 1960s.
Think about it.
Mobile operating systems are definitely NOT a dying industry - and we have two major players - IOS and Android. The (worldwide, global) industry couldn't even support three, let alone four. Windows Phone and Blackberry (and Nokia and you can take all the rest with it) all died out.
Desktop operating systems are definitely not a dying industry - 2 again.
Despite all the demand for air travel.......2 did you say?
Even motor vehicles are definitely NOT a dying industry, and there are about 50 brands max, globally. Less if you take out all the subsidiaries. Much less.
But for audio - we've got at least 1,000 manufacturers of speakers. And of that, at least 100 that are well-known, successful, stable, long-term manufacturers. We've got niche products like Orpheus, Final, Avantgarde, Whatmough, Wisdom, Acapella. And we've got large, international conglomerates like TAD, Linn, Focal, Bowers&Wilkins, KEF, MartinLogan, Wilson Audio, Sonus Faber, JBL, Klipsch.
You can say the same for amplifiers - at least 500 brands, and at least 100 that I could name off the cuff.
Same again for sources. From pocket-rocket cheap stuff like WiiM and Schiit, SMSL, through to the likes of Antipodes, Aurender, Silent Angel, Meitner, MarkLevinson, Vitus Audio,......take the lot of them.
Headphones - same story. Sennheiser, Stax, AKG, Audeze, HiFi Man, etc.
In every category, we've got the choice of pro gear like ADAM speakers, Nagra, or RME and Benchmark DACs, through to consumer-oriented audio jewellery such as Transrotor Metropolis and MBL.
In every category - we've also got mass-market stuff like Marantz / Onkyo / Nakamichi / Yamaha / Denon, and we've got high-end niche manufacturers, like Audio Note, Lamm, Ypsilon, Pass, Goldmund, Halcro, Audio Research, McIntosh, Air Tight, VTL, Burmester, Zanden.
And again - in every category, you can buy cheap (but very technically competent) Chi-Fi stuff like Topping/Cayin/Consonance/EverSolo/etc and build a system for less than $1,000; through to ridiculous joke-expensive offerings like the Goldmund Telos, Solution, Dartzeel 468, Ypsilon SET100, MartinLogan Statement e2, CH Precision, Avantgarde Trio-Spacehorn, the Clearaudo Statement V2, or the Audio Note Ongaku that cost more than the building housing them.
We are spoilt for choice, in a way that no other industry gets to enjoy.
Live it up, guys. And stop saying the industry is dying. It is firmly NOT.