Is criticism to be frowned upon?

Isn't there an "ignore button" so particular members' posts do not show up when viewing the forum?

If member X doesn't want to see anything from member Y, all they need to do is hit the "ignore member" button.
Isn't there an "ignore button" so particular members' posts do not show up when viewing the forum?

If member X doesn't want to see anything from member Y, all they need to do is hit the "ignore member" button.
The objections in this case were to mere existence of such members and threads. In other words, they wished that these members and threads disappear from the forum even though they were not even involved in said discussions. Whatever the audio equiv. of ethnic cleansing is, is what was being wished. So ignore feature would not work for them.
Whatever the audio equiv. of ethnic cleansing is, is what was being wished.

No ethnic cleansing please. [Self-deletion, comment on a current prominent political figure in the US].

EDIT on edit: O.k, Tom, I saw you deleted my comment as I was already editing the post myself.
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Isn't there an "ignore button" so particular members' posts do not show up when viewing the forum?

If member X doesn't want to see anything from member Y, all they need to do is hit the "ignore member" button.

It's interesting you brought that feature Gary. And yes it exists, and you can be the only person to talk to yourself @ one point, but what point is that. :D

Ok, I'll give you my serious take on this:
- I don't want to ignore anyone, because everyone has some good to say, and it is the challenge in life to communicate with all ideas.
- I have read Amir's take on that, from another forum with other dignitaries, and I'm 100% with him on that.
What I recalled mainly from that is that if someone say something that is not accurately true, it is better to learn how to correct them politely than let them get away with it. :b
- I also read over @ "| discussions with mods, and some members have their list of "Ignores" so full that there is not enough space to put them all! :D
This is getting too much for these folks.
- When you have members on your 'Ignore List', you are missing the flow of the discussions plus some important data that you will repeat superfluously.
I have seen that many times and it just makes no sense @ all as the same things are repeated by members who haven't seen the already communicated information.
- The vast majority of members don't have an 'Ignore List', they are smart enough to read or not read what is presented.
- You use the list or not, you don't need to talk about the list. That feature, for people who don't know about it, should be part of the Forum Operation Center.
When I see people saying; "I now put you on my Ignore List", it is so childish and it's also a provocation. And the same when telling someone else; "Could you please put me on your Ignore List."
- Too many people like to provoke (negatively) by using the Ignore List as a pretext to express their uncontrollable emotional state.
And some people delight @ keeping @ it constantly. Talking and doing none of what they said, and still complaining that they still can see when someone quote the 'ignored' member.
Lol, that is pure uncontrollable human behavior; some deep hatred here, and some folks have to moderate themselves.
- Another thing; gang bang shooting. Members who assemble wolves to attack, bully, insult, degrade, stalk one other member to death and without no compassion, no forgiveness, no morale, no conscience, no nothing human but animals like a bunch of blood thirsty wolf pack.
- Another thing, and thanks to the angels of the sky we don't have it here; the "Like" feature. It is too often use to express your hatred, and often abused.
There is a positive aspect of it, but the best positive aspect is to not have that feature and instead say directly to the poster/member that you like his post and the things that's in it.

I was referring to other sites about those features. Here @ WBF it is not needed because people are open, smart, frank, and they simply have the ability to take and not take what they read.

There is also another audio/video site, I won't mention, where the owners are hard-core Christians oriented. Of course I was banned from there, even if I love my grand-ma. :b ...Not for swearing or anything like that; but for providing outside links, couple times, that's all, because I forgot the second time around.

@ another site (two actually), I was heavily criticized for my avatars, and even banned!
Here are those avatars from two different sites (but the legs avatar is the one that got me banned, not the tongue, but heavy complaints):



Gary, I have none members on my ignore list anywhere, do you? :b

It's very delicate to criticize another person on a personal and public forum when that critic is emotionally discharged with negative tone.
And first the interpretation is not always the right one. Plus, who are we to judge others the way we wouldn't like to be judged.
We see big trials in court all the time with people totally outraged @ our justice system; the victims get out of court and they have been even more victimized. The killers get free, or a slap in the face. Forums reflect our true society; sometimes it's awful, other times great.

I watched a movie last night, but I don't want to be off topic, so I'll post it in the dedicated thread. :b
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Ok, I'll give you my serious take on this:
- I don't want to ignore anyone, because everyone has some good to say, and it is the challenge in life to communicate with all ideas.
- I have read Amir's take on that, from AVSForum with other dignitaries, and I'm 100% with him on that.
What I recalled mainly from that is that if someone say something that is not accurately true, it is better to learn how to correct them politely than let them get away with it. :b
- I also read over @ AVS discussions with mods, and some members have their list of "Ignores" so full that there is not enough space to put them all! :D
This is getting too much for these folks.
- When you have members on your 'Ignore List', you are missing the flow of the discussions plus some important data that you will repeat superfluously.
I have seen that many times and it just makes no sense @ all as the same things are repeated by members who haven't seen the already communicated information.
- The vast majority of members don't have an 'Ignore List', they are smart enough to read or not read what is presented.
- You use the list or not, you don't need to talk about the list. That feature, for people who don't know about it, should be part of the Forum Operation Center.
When I see people saying; "I now put you on my Ignore List", it is so childish and it's also a provocation. And the same when telling someone else; "Could you please put me on your Ignore List."
- Too many people likes to provoke (negatively) by using the Ignore List as a pretext to express their uncontrollable emotional state.
And some people delight @ keeping @ it constantly. Talking and doing none of what they said, and still complaining that they still can see when someone quote the 'ignored' member.
Lol, that is pure uncontrollable human behavior; some deep hatred here, and some folks have to moderate themselves.
- Another thing; gang bang shooting. Members who assemble wolves to attack, bully, insult, degrade, stalk one other member to death and without no compassion, no forgiveness, no morale, no conscience, no nothing human but animals like a bunch of blood thirsty wolf pack.
- Another thing, and thanks to the angels of the sky we don't have it here; the "Like" feature. It is too often use to express your hatred, and often abused.
There is a positive aspect of it, but the best positive aspect is to not have that feature and instead say directly to the poster/member that you like his post and the things that's in it.

I was referring to other sites about those features. Here @ WBF it is not needed because people are open, smart, frank, and they simply have the ability to take and not take what they read.


Excellent points about "Ignore lists"!

. . . . Gary, I have none members on my ignore list anywhere, do you? :b. . . .

I do not have anyone on an ignore list. I don't even know if WBF has such a feature.

I'm interested in what everyone has to say whether or not I agree.
Al, I was just going to delete it, about 20 minutes ago. Now you quote me, too late. And the rest; it's ok because it's all part of the things we can all get criticized for.

Now I'm going to take a break; I think we/I have explored those subjects enough. It's all good; you guys give the opportunity to speak freely with civility.
Back with the music, and all related to it. Live and reproduced. And a voice to who else has something to say.
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My posts in other threads were deleted by Amir without explanation.

I think Peter A's posts are some of the most carefully-considered and introspective comments written on WBF. I cannot imagine on what basis any of Peter A's comments qualified to someone for deletion.

I think Peter A's posts are some of the most carefully-considered and introspective comments written on WBF. I cannot imagine on what basis any of Peter A's comments qualified to someone for deletion.

Indeed, I am puzzled as well.
Three friends, Al M, David (a non WBF member) and I, will all be hosting a fourth, MadFloyd, and his wife for a day of music listening later today. Three systems all within a few minutes drive from each other. Digital only, then digital and a new analog front end, and then analog only with lunch somewhere in between. It promises to be a very enjoyable day with much being learned especially from David's new front end (Technics SP10 MK3, Porter plinth, SME V-12, AirTight Supreme).

I'm sure comparisons will be made, listening impressions shared, and perhaps some criticism. Al M. welcomed mine a year or so ago, and his room/system interaction improved as a result of our exchange. Hearing David's new/old DD table with the same arm/cartridge that I have in his very familiar system has already influenced how I view the sound of my system and I am hoping to soon do a direct comparison between our two tables in the same system to better understand what ddk discusses about drive type differences.

We have asked Ian to bring some of his LPs because he has such a tremendous collection. We will enjoy the time together, hear some new music and perhaps critically discuss system differences with the intention of improving our sound reproduction and enjoying our music even more.

This is what the hobby can be about if we respect each other's different points of view and are open to criticism and learning. It need not be different within an audio forum.
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Hello, PeterA. THAT is what it's all about. Tip o' the hat to all of you! Enjoy.

That sounds like it will be a great time! Have fun!

I look forward to the reports!
That is the type of interaction I miss about having moved West. Back East in Toronto we had a group of 6 guys that would meet up 2-3 times a year (sometimes more) just to listen to music and share information. Often times it was centred around a new piece of gear one of us acquired, but mostly it was about enjoying the company of friends who shared the same hobby. These meets would usually last about 6-8 hours and the host would prepare a lovely lunch. I discovered so much great music and pressings during those times, which I couldn't have done on my own.

Have a great day and I'm sure we're all looking forward to hearing how it went!:D
I do my best to observe people when I meet them. I've always found you to be a very generous and courteous person, even when there's no need to be. I've also observed your demeanor prior to public speaking at RMAF. Public speaking may not be something you enjoy. But I know you have a very supportive wife. I appreciate the dichotomy. I am very similar. I hope I'm not the same in person as I am online. I don't think we need to be the same. I think it's okay to use different modes of communication.

This is a good topic to discuss, IMO. I know there a few folks who don't appreciate my posts over the years here. One of them was MEP (Mark). I had a brief and very friendly encounter with him at RMAF. He actually approached me and shook my hand. He couldn't have been more of gentleman. This is the same person who has numerous times ripped my room/system and even my cinema tech sofa (he called it the "Fred Flinstone couch"). I never complained about him or anyone because I know we are just talking about things. Things don't matter in this world. The only thing which matters is other people. So I do my best to remind myself that this whole forum is really about stuff. If anyone feels offended by a comment I've made or someone else has made, just remember that we are all talking about stuff. Even when the comment seems personal, remember that the commenter is probably not really attacking you, but rather, he is attacking the version of you which appears online. Those are two different people indeed.

I'm certainly more critical online than in person. There is a reason behind that though. I'm extremely introverted and can express my thoughts/feelings better in writing than in a face to face meeting. When someone gets confrontational to my face, I shut down. I absolutely hate public speaking and struggle sometimes standing in front of a class trying to teach. I know trying to build a business and being an introvert run counterintuitive, but if I'm passionate about a subject (audio or motorcycles), then it's all good.
But if someone PM's or emails me for my opinion, then I'm more than willing to give it to them!! ;)
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Even when the comment seems personal, remember that the commenter is probably not really attacking you, but rather, he is attacking the version of you which appears online. Those are two different people indeed.

Or the very same people using different modes of expression, depending on the occasion.
It's free speech, and when it's thoughtful, even skeptically thoughtful, it is the result of critical thinking and should be protected speech. It should be a lot more common.

Certainly one would hope peopl have something of merit to say.The right to free speech is not content based.
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The right to free speech is not content based.

The body of law comprising the Constitutional law of the First Amendment is vast and technical. May I respectfully suggest that what one believes to be his understanding of the free speech guarantee of the First Amendment is not likely to be accurate or illuminating in this context, and may I suggest that we try not to cloak this debate in Constitutional concepts?
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Indeed. As a member of the bar of the Supreme Court, I am amazed at the misconceptions of the right to free speech. It only applies to government action, be it federal, state or local. There is no right to free speech in the private sector which includes the Internet.
The right to free speech on this forum ends with the forums TOS. Anything before that is game.


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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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