Because everyone who loves LPs are basically very stupid people who just don't understand how much better CDs sound than LPs. Maybe one of these days all of the idiots that love LPs will come to their senses and realize how wrong we are for preferring the sound of LPs over their digital third cousin who is twice removed.
It must be about what sounds pleasant, rather than what's accurate. Granted, the first CDs were mastered from RIAA-equalized masters and sounded shrill and I think that left a too long lasting negative impression on folks who listened to CD once in 1983, hated the sibilance and returned to LP, never to reinvestigate in the future. While the volume wars in the 1990s served to earn much negative opinions, properly produced digital audio with no compression sounds amazing. Even old analog masters from the '50-70s sound amazingly better than their LP counterparts. I have several remastered classic albums that were so-so in vinyl, but knock my socks off as digital remastered from the original tapes.