Sorry. Glad you have good memories of him. I'd love to hear the stories some time.
K, 1 for now ... (keeping in accordance to the violent panda segue)
At one time, 1 dog and 2 cats came with the family. Across the street, conveniently, was a park. I'd take my puppy for a walk there and often, said cat would join us. He wasn't afraid of dogs, hell, he wasn't scared of anything. Protected by my wife's hand, he took it upon himself to rule the house. He wasn't mean, very gentle in fact, as long as you were gentle in return. He set the rules.
Well, one beautiful summer evening, the cat joined me and my pup for a walk. Most of the time, we'd be all alone, but on this occasion a man came along with his relatively big black dog, off leash. Warning him that this particular cat wasn't afraid, and could pose a danger if his dog persued, his testosterone took over, all the while refusing to call off his dog.
He should've known better, when instead of intervening (my dog & I knew better), I walked away.
He let his dog circle the cat for about a minute, growling, barking. The cat remained calm, he'd been thru this before, waiting his time. The dog made a lunge, the cat held its ground, then finally, the owner decided to call his dog. That was a big mistake! With the dogs head turned, attention shifted, the cat instantly mounted the dogs back, and proceeded to inflict his will.
It was all over in a few seconds, more time was spent him cursing me and the cat to hell, his dogs nose bleeding. I kept quiet, didn't want to rile him up claiming my cat spared his dog from far more serious damage. A shot across the bow, sort of speak.